When the Only Virgin of the Group Brought a Child

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This is all a dream

I keep telling myself that, tugging my brunette curls, ignoring the woman--uninvited woman, who brought a child and claimed that she's mine.

I've never banged a girl--!

''Her mother was once your best friend, miss Lancashire? She said you would be confused if there are any circumstances that forced you to take this child's custody, that's why--''

"Confused?" I asked, bewildered, ''confused? Well mate, I don't know a fucking thing that's happening! She disappeared--I don't even know she's got a child!''

"Please let me continue,'' the woman scowled, shifting her gaze to the baby--still sleeping peacefully, ''Louise left a letter for you.''

I scoffed, ''about? The fact that she raped me in my sleep to have a fucking kid?"

The woman rolled her eyes in annoyance, sliding an envelope my way.


I know you would be confused as fuck--even flip shit the day I left my child in your care, but please let me explain.

I wrote this letter in case anything happens and you have to take the custody of our child--I don't want anything to happen, but just in case, I don't want to leave you clueless.

Remember that day where I was so heartbroken that I said I wanted nothing more than a baby to comfort me? That day when I asked you to go to the clinic with me, for you to wank into a cup and for me to basically have an insemination?

Realisation dawned on me, that fucking day.

How can I forget when she basically dragged me into the clinic and forced me to wank into a cup?

Dammit, Levi Markshall, how could you not suspect this from the very beginning?

I didn't think it'll work, but it did. Chloe is a very healthy baby--she's my angel, she can be hard at times, but other than that, she's my ball of happiness. I hope she can be yours too, Levi.

I know you probably don't want to take care of her, that you don't want to taint your reputation among your friends, but I just want to know that you have a daughter.

I will leave you to your decisions, I will respect anything that you decided to do, thank you for always being there.

Love, Louise.

''So," I began, "where's Louise? Something happened that I have to take custody of the child I don't even know I have?"

''You haven't watched the news, have you?" The woman eyed me with her beady--judging eyes, ''Louise Lancashire died in a car accident yesterday.''


I have to admit, I was beyond shocked.

First, I found out I have a child, and the next thing I know? My fucking former best friend died.

''You know what?" I threw my hands up, "I'm taking custody--I'm not a heartless man who dumped a baby in an orphanage, when I know that I'm the father. Besides I don't want to disappoint my dead best friend slash mother of my kid.''

The woman smiled, ''I will bring the paperworks and her other stuffs tomorrow--for now, here are her nappies and bottles, I'm really glad that you decided to take her in your custody, Mr. Markshall.''


When I decided to take her in, I hadn't realised that it means there will always be a reason for me to wake up in the middle of the night--since her cries are more accurate than my alarm.

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