When They All Teased Him to No Ends

38 19 13

《 September, 2016》


''Your latest shots look nice," Nate mused, a knowing look in his eyes, "let me guess, is it because of your new bestie-slash-beautiful assistant?"

"If you're trying to get a bloody reaction out of me, Nate, you're going to be disappointed." I snorted, smiling as Chloe scrunched up her nose in confusion cutely, "besides, I just got along with her, it's not like there's more to it--I mean, we were kinda at each other's throat before, making up ain't that easy mate.''

He rolled his eyes, ''yeah sure.''

''I'm being serious,'' I scowled, ''and yet, you're being a whole lot more childish than how I--as you claimed--usually am. Tell me why did you call me to come in the first place? Shouldn't you be working or something?"

He raised both his hands in mock surrender, his eyes dancing with amusement as a smirk made its way towards his face, ''chill. I got it, just wanted to see how my little brother is coping--"

''Spare me the bloody bullshit, Nate.'' I deadpanned, sighing as Chloe pulled on my nose, hard, ''not there,  sweetheart.''

''And here he goes from the biggest arsehole of the century to the sweetest daddy for his baby girl.'' Nate scoffed, ''and I called to let you know that a.. friend of mine wanted me to tell you that she'd love you to take her nephew's pictures--he's a newborn.''

I frowned, why the bloody hell would someone go through that much stuff, telling Nate, asking Nate to tell me, why not just visit my bloody studio? My studio isn't a shady place, it's in the middle of London--a huge sign that says 'Capture'--is very much present, why go through all that?

Seeing my face, Nate sighed as he slumped on his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose all the while he kept his eyes on me, disbelief dancing in his eyes as he uttered his words, ''she fancies you.''

I flinched--Chloe immediately looked up as she sensed my movement, her bluish-grey eyes filled with curiosity, ''do you know how idiotic that sounds, Nate? Nobody--I mean it, nobody knows my face except our family, my previous clients and my friends. The public may know my name, but they don't know my face. It's my 'trademark'--how, how the bloody hell could someone fancy me without knowing my face, my bloody personality--fuck, I can't even.''

I raked a hand through my hair, careful not to spit out profanities like how I'm extremely tempted to right now--but of course I wouldn't want my baby's first word to be a curse. Nah, mum would definitely kill me.

''That's what I thought--I was kinda worried someone leaked your pictures, but then, she said she imagined how you would have looked.'' Nate sighed, ''don't--I mean it, don't comment, she's mental I know.''

''She's mental,'' I stated, pursing my lips, ''then why are you friends with her?''

''Not by choice," he laughed dryly, ''she insisted that I'm her friend--even though she barely know me, or my wife, yet she acted like she's our bloody best friend.''

Makes sense.

''And I hope, scratch that, I pray that you said I'm currently unavailable or something?'' I asked, gently rubbing Chloe's back as her eyes drooped, ready to fall into yet another slumber.

''Yeah, I said you're still dealing with lots of things right now,'' Nate replied, immediately causing me to let out sigh of relief--because I won't handle a crazy woman as a client, though the look on Nate's face..

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