When He Realised How Much of A Prick He Is

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Picture of Chloe ((with the brown onesie)) and Claire ((Levi's client's daughter)), that he posted on his twitter later in the chapter :)

I don't know if it's only my imagination or am I really hearing a faint crying--wails, even?

And that's not even Chloe? Nah, I think it's from downstairs..?

''..make it stop, please!"

Oh fuck.

It's Judy.

Or maybe it's another neighbour of mine? Is she really that whiny?

But that sounds like her.. Oh shit!

What if my words and action triggered something?



''Judy?'' I knocked on her door, ''Judy, open up!''

No replies, nothing--the only thing I can hear are her sobs, her pained, fucked up cries full of agony that had my heart clenching.

I don't want to go through this again..not so short after Louise--

As if sensing my anxiety, Chloe smacked my chest with her small, small hands multiple times, a loud, long cry leaving her small lips, as if telling me just go inside, daddy!

''Okay,'' I sucked in a large intake of breath, patting Chloe's back to calm her down, ''I got this.''

I found out later on that she didn't lock her door at all. I bit back a grimace as a thought of how foolish I am crossed my mind--taunting me.

''Judy?'' I asked as I get in, my chest tightening painfully at the scene before me.

There she is, curled into a ball on the floor, sobs racking her entire being, hands covering her ears--blocking nothing yet everything.

Why am I here? I thought to myself, am I really, really ready to face another thing like this? To watch yet another girl slowly losing her sanity?

And to know that I might or might not be the cause of that?

''Fuck this.'' I muttered as I crouched down beside her, ''Judy? It's okay, whatever it is--it's gonna be okay, anything you're scared of, they won't get to you again, you hear me?''

''I--I'm so--sorry--" she let out a hiccup, ''I--I--I d--didn't m--me--mean--t-to g--get t--t--to h--him--"

What's she talking about?

Instinctively, I pulled her closer, hugging her sideways as I rubbed circles on her arms to calm her down and whispered soothing things to stop her crying and snap her out of the trance she's currently in.

Memories of Louise flooded my brain--it was just like this, almost the exact same.

I'm fucked up. Totally, royally fucked up.

And I can't say this ain't the worst timing ever--for as Judy's cries reduced, Chloe--burst into one, and here I am, trying to calm two girls down, while I am not calm at all.

''I--I'm s--so s--sorry, pl--please make--make it s--stop!" She once again broke down, heart clenching sobs leaving her mouth, ''I--I d--didn't--"

She looked up at me, her tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes definitely did not help me, ''d--do you b--believe that--that I--I w--wasn't the--the o--one w--who t-tried to--to g--get into--into B-Becca's b--boy--boyfriend's p--pants?''

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