When he realised she's the one listening to 'baby musics'

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To all of you who are confused, Greg is 5 years older than Levi, and Nate is 10 years older ;) Nate is the oldest child.


《August, 2016

''Out of all people, Greg, he just had to dish out that baby music listening freak!" I told Greg, an amused look plastered on his face, "I can't even. She won't stop complaining about how I tend to wake her up at midnight when I paced around.''

''Paced around?" He laughed, lifting up his precious baby from her cot, Marie, "damn woman got sensitive ears or something?"

"I don't know.'' I replied nonchalantly, rubbing my nose against Chloe's nose as she gurgled in my arms, ''anyways--"

"Levi.'' Greg cut me off, suddenly going for his stern brother mode, ''I watched the telly. You should stop acting like noone knows about Lou and how it didn't affect you. You can't cover it up with your sarcasm.''

I sucked in a large intake of breath, ''I gotta stay strong," fighting the urge to give in and let my true emotions out, "don't even scold me, I'm not your kid.''

He nods, choosing to leave the topic be, ''how's Chloe warming up to you?"

"Really good.'' I smiled as Chloe snuggled against my chest, ''I wouldn't believe she's my kid had she not cling unto me the first time we met.''

''That's cute," he laughed bitterly, "I remembered the days where George would thrash around whenever I carried him. Makes me think he hates his dad since he's a baby.''

''But now he won't let go of you.'' I smiled, ''wipes the nagging thoughts away, don't it?"

"Yeah.'' He nodded, "I'm curious, you said baby musics earlier? As in twinkle twinkle and all that?"

I laughed, gently rubbing the crease between Chloe's eyebrows as her eyebrows furrowed, ''it's mine and Nate's way to say classical.''

''But classical music are not baby music--it's complicated and--'' sensing a lecture coming my way I cut him off before he could continue his babbling, "it's good for babies.''

''I see." He laughed, "when are you planning to see mum and dad? Apparently phone calls and texts aren't enough for them to understand your situation.''

''Really? I guess maybe next week--"

"They keep on nagging me to get you to visit, doofus. I suggest you go today.''

''What?" I choked on the tea I just drank, ''but I--"

''No buts. Now off you go, I need to take care of Marie.'' He shooed, pushing me towards the door of his house, "if you need me you can call me, baby bro.''

''Greg, you're dead.''


"..Ouch! Mum--what the hell? Fuck!" I cursed as she dragged me by my ear, scowling as Chloe laughed instead, ''I get it! I'm sorry for not visiting, I have to make money for my fucking baby!"

"Language, young man! Your daughter is here!" She tugged on harder, ''explain every single detail to me, now!"

"Okay okay--!"

''One day I'm wondering when will my baby score himself a girl, the next he phoned and said he's got a kid! What's wrong with you?!"

''Will you even let me explain?" I sighed, wiping Chloe's drool from her chin, ''I swear, maybe she's unexpected but that doesn't mean I don't love her. Doesn't mean I regret ever having her.''

 I Don't Regret Having You, Sweetie.Where stories live. Discover now