Chapter 7: Farewell

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But....... Time is up Amanda's body stoped and then it blow up. Franzen saw her sister die in front of her,blood was splattered everywhere and there's also blood on Franzen's face. She called the police to go there. About 4 minutes the policemen arrived to investigate. A policeman asked how did Amanda died and Franzen answered "she blew up" Franzen's voice is shaking. The policeman stared at Franzen's eyes,but the policeman believe in Franzen's words. The policemen said that they will inform Franzen if they finish the investagation. Franzen said that it's not a human being who killed her sister it was an evil spirit. The policemen laugh and laugh "kid you got some vivid imagination" one of the policemen said laughing.

I was so scared and so lonely,"It's my birthday but everyone leaving!" Franzen cried and cried. She check her phone and the time is 6:58 am. "I still have to go to school today........well today at school there will be a dance contest that I told Amanda to watch me dance with Zack but......" Franzen paused. "But both of them are now gone,Amanda is dead and Zack is in London. I don't  know what to do!" Franzen cried. She goes to Amanda's room to get some rest because her room is like it's been painted with blood.

She enters the room and she saw a tiny box and it has a note with it. It said Happy Birthday Franzen she opened the box and it a black ring with a ruby in the middle. There's a letter inside the box,the letter said....
       Dear Franzen,
                     I know you got a gift from Zack so I bought you a gift,
               It's a ring that has the color black and red in it. I picked
               this ring because I knew that you like the color black so
               yeah. I hope you wear this at school.

                                                                                        Your Sister,
                                                                                       Amanda Bilfurt

Franzen cry again it just make her heart ache remembering her sister's death.


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