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Book in hand, the soft calm sounds of the water hitting against the sides of the pool had relaxed him. Shirt off, shades on while he tried to put all his focus onto the words before him. But they remained mixed and unreadable.

Every now and then he'd find himself understanding the words, but most of the times his vision would become blurry from the impact his brain had taken from that unforgettable night.

He was in the company of Camila's family as they were visiting, Sofi played around with the blow up whale that floated on top of the water. Sinu relaxed back, enjoying the Californian sun while Alejandro was focusing on his laptop from inside the house. The girls were busy within the studio, and also had a performance to attend.

So the Cabello family took it upon themselves to watch over Zac, seeing as even after five days he was not very steady at times. He'd have moments of black outs when pushing himself too hard, periods of memory loss in those times and find himself in pain. He found himself persuading Lauren to leave the house and carry out her career duties, but it was a struggle to say the least on his behalf.

Now here he sat, eyebrows furrowed while the words seemed to get confused on the page, his vision blurring as if he was intoxicated. The twinge of pain in the back of his eyes was creeping up on him, so setting the book down roughly in frustration, he laid back and closed his eyes. Stopping the fear of convulsing or passing out, small and steady breaths passing his lips.

''Are you alright Mijo?'' Sinu spoke with concern, shifting her glasses down to watch him slowly breathe. Just nodding his head, he kept himself frozen in place as his head began to feel heavy and his vison became disorientated.

''Can you get me some water?'' He politely spoke, watching as Sinu did just that before his eyes rolled back and the darkness filled his sight for a few moments. Sinu's constant shaking bringing him back to reality.

''I'm calling Lauren.'' She spoke, setting the bottle beside him while he took a gentle hold on her arm.

''No, please. She's busy. I'll go inside, the sun isn't helping Sinu. Trust me.'' His words were slurred and shaky, so Sinu called on her husband to help him inside. Resting him down on the couch, Alejandro kept a close eye from time to time.


''He blacked out again on me, twice today.'' Sinu spoke, her little girl cuddled up in her arms as Lauren sat just beside Zac. Over due course of just a few hours, Zac had began to worsen with a fever now taking over his body.

He felt cold, but his clammy body covered in sweat proved different. He was running a high temperature, so Lauren had returned home with the girls to take care of him once more. He now feeling like a constant nag on the girl he loved dearly.

''Sinu, I told you not to call her.'' He spoke, coughing harshly which sent a sharp pain to his sore abdomen.

''I'm glad she did. Now shut it, stay here while I do some little checks on you.'' Lauren warned, but her affectionate sight of running her fingers over his arm made a difference in how her tone would come across.

''No, just let me sleep.''

''Later, but Zac I have to do what the doctor said.'' She spoke more calmly, opening up his somewhat small medicine bag he would carry around. Inside held his blood monitor, medication, emergency glucose sachets along with insulin shots. Also included was his heart rate monitor and sterile pads.

After running through the multitude of tests she had to do, she left his temperature to the last to find him running a fever of 101.6 fahrenheit degrees, causing a sign of concern to run through Lauren.

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