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With bags packed and checked in on first arrival, the three wait. Zac caught in the middle of the girl he found himself needing in his life, otherwise he'd feel broken. And the girl whom he felt the need to protect, that night of seeing her broken a heavy reminder that not all who smile are happy.

''So, what're you looking forward to most about returning home, Camz?'' Her voice appeared beside him, the strands of her hair tickling his skin as she sweeped it to the side. ''Apart from seeing family of course.''

''Homemade food, the beach. Being allowed to sleep in to whatever time I wish without being rudely awoken, friends. All of Miami and what it holds. What about you Lolo?''

''Pretty much the same, just including the peace and quiet from not hearing management tell me what I can and can't do. That shit wears thin on me very quickly.'' Her eyes rolled, tongue hitting her teeth to make a disgusted noise. ''But mostly, I'd say just reminding myself what I fell in love with.''

The two girls share a look, Camila's eyes reverting to look at Zac for a subtle moment. Her eyes set back on Lauren, receiving tinted cheeks and a soft smile. Confirmation that Zac was her reminder amongst other things. ''Zac, what about you?''

''Hmm?'' His eyes focusing over to Camila, waiting for her to bring him into the conversation he had zoned out from.

''What are you most looking forward to most, you know about Miami?''

''I guess not having to wake up at stupid o'clock, not having to confront fans on calming their shit down. Stuff I don't have to do when I'm on tour, protecting your asses. I don't know, I'm too tired to think.''

'Or maybe I'm afraid that if I told you the truth, Lauren would soon catch on to the fact that she is every single reason, expect one for me looking forward to being back in Miami.' He softly sighed, sinking into his chair while Camila had run her hand over the back of the chair. Her hand settling onto Lauren's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze for support.

''Now Boarding; Flight 34BO89MIA, Boston to Miami. Please proceed to gate 12. All passengers on flight 34BO89MIA to gate 12, I repeat gate 12.''

Standing up, Zac brushed his sweaty palms into his jeans before leaning down to grab all bags. ''Come on, home's calling.'' Bags on his shoulders, he lead the girls through the bustling crowds of people rushing to their gates. Showing his passport and ticket, he nodded in head and waited for the two to catch up.

''Home sweet home for seven days Camz.'' Lauren spoke enthusiastically, her shoulder bumping Camila's. The younger of the two snorting as she pulled Lauren into a tight hug. ''I can't wait to see Sofi!''

Zac turned around, watching the moment between the two girls take place. And for once that day, the hard exterior he had built began to crumble. But on the other hand, it was only growing higher once his eyes fell upon the caller ID of Lauren's phone.



The two sat quietly during the car ride home, Lauren found herself replying to yet another text from her ex, whom had heard about her return home and wanted to invite her to yet another 'Luis' special party'. In other words, a party filled with alcohol and different illegal substances.

Luis would not be the one to host them, but only be a part of them. And this was just another one of those, he trying to take credit for putting together what could be one of the biggest parties of the year.

''What's he want?'' Zac spoke through gritted teeth, his annoyance being heard in his tone. ''Lauren.''

''Just some party, the girls are going so I guess he wants me to tag along to.''

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