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Drink in hand, one arm around Dinah's neck. Camila swayed her head to the base that filled the dark night club. Her mind solely on her current heart break, all from the guy she swore loved her for her. But weeks turned to months, love was lost and so was Austin and his using ways.

She feels used, but her heart still misses him. Her lips ache to feel his, to be reminded of what love maybe felt like. Was it love? Or was it just publicity to him? Fake emotions, hidden by the greed to be known more.

Taking the cup to her mouth, she threw it back followed by another three while she sat herself in the corner. Her throat burning, her mind lost in the distant memories of what it once was. When he cared.

''You said you wouldn't, but you fucking did!'' She cried to herself, her friends to busy on the clubs atmosphere while her heart was breaking into tiny shreds. I hate you. I love you. What have you done to me...

She plays back the memories of when the two were beneath the thin sheets, how his lips would feel against her warm skin. The warmth their bodies created in what she swore was love. Then the memories of how he left her to be with Becky, though he was committed to her. She was never his first priority.

''Cammie, come on. We're heading to the next club. Drink up!'' Normani spoke loudly into her ear, the burning liquid sliding down her throat one by one. Two. Six. Seven shots down, her vision blurred.

''I just want to go home.'' She slurred back. Pushing her way out of the booth and through the crowds of people. Once outside, she took a deep breath, inhaling the thick fog of Los Angeles at night. It took her several moments to focus on where she was headed, her arm up while the taxi came to a stop.

''Where to princess?'' The rough deep voice asked, Camila swallowing the small amount of vomit that arose. Climbing into the taxi, her head falling back while she gave him the directions.

''Rough night baby girl?''

''Why are boys such liars mister?'' The tears had finally begun rolling down her warm cheeks, the salty tears brushing over her lips.

''Oh, not all boys are liars. Sometimes they lie because they're afraid of the truth themselves sweetie. Sometimes they lie to manipulate every situation they are presented with. You need a man in your life, not a boy.''

''I hate boys.''

The gruff laughter from the man driving awoke her from her constant thought process. She could easily direct him to Austin's house, but that could lead to memories she'd never be able to forget.

''Again, you need a man princess. I'm sure any man would be lucky to have you on their arm.''


Throwing the cash down onto the passenger seat, she waved the taxi driver off and stumbled through the metal gate. Next came the tricky situation of fumbling the keys into the lock, a dozen tries later she was finally blessed with some luck and entered the dark lit house.

Removing items of her clothing, her hair a tangled mess at the back while she pouted. Loneliness is what she believed she needed, but now she knew how wrong her mind state was.

Her mind was slipping back into memories, reciting them over like lyrics to songs she once loved, but not despised. The remarks and comments from her fellow fans, small amounts of them making her hate whom she was. The hate sending her into deep depression, just like tonight.

Wiping her tears, she stumbled up the long staircase and slipped into a foreign room that wasn't occupied at the moment in time. Unclasping the bra that was leaving her ribs feeling crushed, she climbed under the soft sheets and waited for the silhouette in the bathroom to make their appearance into the room.

The room was filled with darkness once the bathroom light fused out, the silhouette making it's way into the newly occupied room. Upon hearing Camila sniffle, they voice came to life.

''Who's there?'' The voice asked quietly, searching for the bed with their hands.

''Camila.'' She whispered, brushing her hands over her damp cheeks. A dip in the bed signifying of her not being alone any longer. Searching for their body, she climbed on top with the sheets covering her ample and naked chest.

''How much have you had to drink?'' The voice spoke through the silence of the calming night, their hand resting on her cheek while she sunk into it. Their body now pressed against the headboard, eyes searching for the broken girl in the darkness.

''I don't know, a lot.'' She slurred, moving closer while her fingers brushed their lips. Soft flesh just under her finger tips, calm breaths hitting them gently before she leaned closer.

''We both know you don't want this Camila.''

''I wanna feel something. Anything.'' She itched closer, the mixture of their breathing hitting one another's lips.

''I'm not something you want. Camila, you'll regret this just like I will.''

''And why will you regret it Zac? Am I not good enough?''

''You're too good. But we both know th-that my heart is stuck on Lauren.'' He whispered lowly, fingers combing through her hair as her sobs began to fill the room. Her head now against his covered chest. ''You'll always be too good, for any guy that finds his way into your heart.''

''He ruined me.''

''No, Camila he didn't. What he did was just show you his true colors and intentions.''

''But he used me. He-he used me for his own good. I th-ought he loved me. I- even beli-bu-believed his words enough to let him make love to me.'' She stuttered incredibly, the tears leaving small puddles against his shirt.

''He lu-left me to fuh-feel worthless.''

''Camila, you aren't worthless. Not even for one second. Fuck, any guy including myself would be so fucking lucky to have a girl like yourself love us. I mean, look at you Camila. Beautiful as ever, with a soul only a few could hope to hold and cherish with every fiber they have. Maybe the next guy will amaze you.''

His hand softly cups her cheek, making her red puffy chocolate orbs look into his, usually the eyes revealed lies to Camila. But with one glance into his, no lie could be seen. For a moment, she caught herself getting lost in them, her skin burning from his touch against her skin. But Camila knew this was just the alcohol in her system, Zac was nothing more than her friend.

''I'm sorry for just coming in here, Zac. For throwi-''

''Mila, it's fine. Don't even worry yourself too much, I understand where you're coming from. I've been in that position so many times, I'd be rich. You can stay the night here, it's better than sleeping alone.''

Leaning up from her position on his chest, she softly pressed a kiss to his cheek while he returned the gesture to her forehead. ''Thank you for always knowing what to say.''

''Experience, thank that.'' He sighed once she laid back down, the sheets pulled up over her shoulder as she closed her eyes. His fingers briefly ran through her hair, once hearing the quiet snores from Camila he stopped.

That night, sleep didn't grace Zac. He knew the nightmares would sweep in like the darkness, and to save Camila from the trouble. He just laid there, eyes averted to the ceiling and his mind on the raven haired girl partying her night away.

The raven haired girl herself, checked her bandmates room to find it empty when she arrived home. In fact she checked every single room, besides one where she found the footwear that belong to her bandmate just on the inside of his room, the door slightly opening.

Who knew heart break would feel like this?

CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora