Chapter 1

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Cory's (Newscapepro) POV

When I came to, I took note of the room I was in. It was mostly empty, but also relatively small. It had a window, but the window was barred from the outside. The widow was also slightly open, as if it was taunting me that I couldn't reach it. My head was still aching from...what was it again? I tried to remember what exactly happened before I ended up here. No luck, it was all blurry to me. Speaking of which, Where am I, I asked myself. Is there others, or is it just me here? I decided to explore a bit to see what I was dealing with here. To my surprise, I was not bound in any way shape or form. Kinda stupid of my captor/s, I thought. I walked over to the door, which smelled of age, and pushed it open.

Weird enough, there were other voices. Some I recognized easily, some I had no clue who was speaking. I walked towards the source, but paused when it was easy enough to recognize what was being said.

"-I told you, I have absolutely no idea where we are or how we got there, so STOP ASKING LIKE I KNOW ALL!!" That was Max's (Mithzan's). He sounded pissed off about something. But what?

"You just said earlier that you had some clue about where we are, so quit f*cking lying to us!" Not sure who that was. I continued walking towards the ruckus. I ended up near what looked like some dining hall, with a long table that was full of food. The hall had relitively nice chairs, and chandlers hanging off the ceiling. I saw people there, some I knew. Just what kind of captor/s do I have? When I stepped into the hall, everyone turned their attention from whatever they were discussing right to me, which kinda made me feel uncomfortable.

"Uh..Hi?" I said, unnerved at the amount of attention I was getting for just being here.

"Cory?" Max asked, "How in the-I thought that everyone was here already! How did you get here?"

"I walked," I remarked sarcastically, "How else would I have got here?"

"Hardy har har." Max said. He turned away to keep arguing with the other guy, While I looked around. I noticed that Ross (Yourpalross) And Red (RedVacktor) were here as well. There were others, but I had no clue who they were. I took a seat closest to where I was standing. However, my seat may not have been the best choice: I ended up next to some form of Mr. Hyperactive. He wore yellow, had yellow eyes and hair. The costume he wore had a smiley face in the center. When he spoke to me, he almost sounded like a 7-year-old who had gotten into the sweets.

"Hey there, Cory! My name's Yellow, Nice to meet you! My bro was telling me so much about you!"

"Tha-That's..nice?" I said, still confused at everything that was going on.

"Golly!" Yellow continued, "You must be SO confused right now! I mean, you're the last one to arrive to this room! Well, none of us actually knows where we are or how we got here, so no point in asking. Also-" However, Yellow was interrupted when Max punched the other guy in the face and said, "Then why don't you shut the f*ck up, fame boy?"
The other guy wiped his face with his hand and tackled Max. Everyone was freaking out, because this wasn't the time to be fighting. Two guys walked over to where this fight was going on, one with an "OBEY" cap on, the other with a long beard. The person in the "OBEY" cap said,

"Well jeez, and I thought that Keemstar and I don't get along..." Then he turned to me. "Well, you're new. What's your-oh wait, never mind. I already know, Cause the yellow guy WAS SHOUTING IT!" The guy said, aiming that statement at Yellow. "Well, anyways," The guy said, "My name's Leafy, and this mammoth gnome's Keemstar. Nice to see ya."

"I am NOT a mammoth gnome, Lizard weirdo!" The beard guy, which Leafy called Keemstar, snarled at Leafy. I decided to try to greet the others here, maybe learn a thing or two. The fight between Max and the other guy was at this point mostly resolved. Max was still edgy and ready to strike at a moment's notice. But the other guy had calmed down. He turned to me and asked,

"You're the new guy, right?"
"Yeah, I guess so." I replied.
"Name's Felix, also known as PEWdiePIE!" The guy said.
"PewdieWHO?" I asked.
"Not relevant," He responded, "Just call me Felix, and we'll be cool, okay?"
"Okay..." I replied.

One thing I noticed was that some were in groups, as if they know each other or something. I knew that I should try to talk to everyone here, but one group caught my attention the most: they were hanging out by the corner, and they all looked similar to each other. I walked over, and noticed that Yellow and Red was in that group, too. There were two others in this group.
One of them had blue all over him. He tried to avoid eye contact with me, and looked like he was going to cry at any given moment. The other, who was trying to comfort the one in blue, wore pink all over, with a heart symbol on the chest. They turned to face me when I was close enough. Yellow spoke first.

"Hey Cory, glad to see you again! You probably already know Red, so I won't say much. The pink gal is PinkVacktor, or Pink for short!"
"Wait, Pink's a girl?" I asked, even though it probably was a dumb question. Pink gave me a dirty look.
"Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean that I can't whoop your butt. Boy, when I find the people who grabbed me and put me here, I will hunt them down and beat the crap out of them."
"That's nice..." I responded, a little nervous at this gal's attitude. Yellow continued with hyperactivity.
"And the other one's BlueVacktor, or Blue for short." Blue looked at Yellow, as if he didn't want to be introduced to me, but he didn't show any solid resistance.
"Yellow, did you have to introduce me to him like that?" Blue finally spoke, "I-i-i don't deserve such an introduction to a stranger like that."
"Ah, cheer up, Blue," Yellow said, "I mean, yeah, we are stuck in a place we have no clue about, but hey! We can work together to get out, I-"

That's when the lights died. The windows slammed shut, something rolled down one the windows to block possible sunlight. The chandeliers shut off. Panic became rampant. Everyone was freaking out in some way shape or form. I was panicked, too, but I tried not to show it. A voice crackled somewhere, and said to remain calm, announcements will be shortly. However, the person who was panicking the most was right next to me. He started having a meltdown. Pink was trying everything she could to calm him down, but nothing was working. He cried out something that made me shiver, and later wonder if what he said was true:

"We're all gonna DIE!!!"

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