Chapter 8

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Jack's (Jacksepticeye) POV
Holy balls, was everyone so fired up by this one guy's death! And for what? He was the toughest? I call bullsh*t on that! Wanna know why? Because in reality, it was a 3-way tie between him, me, and Mark! I ranted this to myself, so no one heard it but me. This mental rant went on for a few hours at most. Man, was I so f*cking pissed when this guy's death got so much attention. When that finally died down, Jesus Christ did it take forever, the camera faced guy sat down.

"So, any luck? What'ca find in your exploration?" He asked, trying to be serious, but failing miserably. Mark opened his mouth to say something, but I have him the "I got this" look, and I started off.

"Well, we didn't find much of interest, but when we did..." I say, and tossed a thick book into the table. The book's cover had teens on it, and the back of it showed a killer in a bunny mask. It was only filled of pictures, but it looked like it was trying to tell a story. Keem picked up the book, and skimmed over it.

"DOUBT?" He questioned, "How exactly is THIS gonna help us, like, at all?" He tossed the book in my direction. It landed near Mark with a thunk. Mark picked up the book, but rather than open it, he held it up slightly so people can see it.

"Some of the events in here eerily match up with some of the things that happen in this book. It's almost as if the mastermind behind this drew inspiration from this book," Mark explained. Camera guy took the book, read a few pages, but closed the book rather quickly, confusion written on his face.

"If that's the case, then why is the cat an external force plucking us off one by one, rather than one of us?" He asked, setting the book down. Honestly, I wasn't too sure why that was the case. But, I did have a private theory: the cat's getting commands from one of us to kill a certain person. But who is giving the commands, I'm not gonna say. Cause if I do, that person's gonna order the cat to kill me, which I'd rather not die over accusations. I already told Mark, but that's the only person that would know it and not blurt it out randomly. Everyone at the table was having a peaceful conversation, and I didn't want to interrupt it. Unfortunately for me, someone had other plans, and didn't care what anyone else wanted. Out of nowhere, they blurt out,

"Okay, I am sick and tired of everyone not addressing the elephant in the room! It's gotta be Cory. Period, end of story! He's responsible for all the deaths that have occurred thus far, and he needs to be punished for it!" We turn in the direction that such accusations came from: Keemstar's. Even Leafy looked shocked by the sudden words that came out of his rival's mouth.

"And just what exactly are you wanting us to do?" Masked Guy asked, tilting his head in confusion. I look over to Cory, just to see how he is taking this. He shifted in his seat, nervous. This was the second time he was accused, but off of the basis of unconfirmed facts.

"Pft! I don't care what you do with him. Hang him, stab him to death, drown him, I really don't care!" Keem huffed, "As long as he is punished by the time I set my eyes on him again. However, if you don't..." He threatened, "I will take matters into my own hands, and deal with him myself." He shot a sinister glance at Cory. Cory's chair fell backwards because of how backed up he got on his seat. He got himself and his chair back up, but he was shaky all over: just downright scared.

"You know, all the methods you listed off involved us F*cking killing him!" Leafy pointed out, "Is that the only way to bring him to justice?" Keemstar nodded. I suddenly got chills up my spine. He had to be joking. He is the way too serious satirist, after all. Cory was one step ahead of me, though.

"Are-Are you serious?"he asked, scared out of his mind, "But-but-"

"No buts, criminal!" Keemstar shouted at him, "If you do something, something is done to you! It's a universal law!" Cory, who was tearing up by now, looked around, asking for our help with his camera eye.

"Wait! I was there! He didn't-" Panda started.

"Ehp, I don't listen to homeless men! They are nothing but trouble," Keem cut him off and gave him the "stay out of this" look. Panda backed down after that.

No one else made a move in his favor. He suddenly got up and ran. By impulse, We started to get up to chase him. I began to regret making accusations in my head; It was going to cost him his life now. Keemstar took the lead as the pursuit began. Cory tripped on a bit of carpet, but rather than get up and continue running, he turned to face us, the monsters we've become,  with terror written all over his face. As we drew closer, he backed up, trying to get away at the last second. However, Keemstar was on his feet, Cory on his butt, so he caught up to Cory fairly quickly. Keem placed his foot on Cory's chest, making sure he wouldn't move anywhere.

"Someone fetch me something that can kill," Keem ordered. I was motionless. I couldn't believe how low we have stooped to comfort our own problems. I didn't want to stoop any lower than I have now. But, I knew what was going to happen. No matter when, where, and how, Cory was going to be killed. Not by the cat, but by us. I just didn't want it to happen now, where so much has already gone down, and anything more would scar everyone here for life. 

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