Chapter 5

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Ian's POV
After we established our objectives, we left to begin the search. I partnered with Cory, mainly to keep an eye on him. I know that it's been proven that he isn't the "cat," but I still am suspicious about him. I mean, he came in late to the party, and he always ends up being where the action is. I almost think he is the one pulling the strings. It has happened before where the master mind would insert himself into his own creation.

We traced the first few steps that the masked guy took. We knew that the guy went through the door next to my room, so we started there. Through that door was where all bar code doors started. There were three doors here, all of them digitally locked, and needing bar codes to unlock. We voted to head through the middle one, and I used my code to open it. We then ended up in a hall, with a door at the end and midway on the right side. We chose to go with the door midway, mainly because we knew that someone who was trying to get away wouldn't run straight, but rather would try to get to the next door as quickly as possible. Through that door was only one door to go through, and it was on the left. We entered, only to find two doors: one straight on, and one to the right.

I opened the one straight on, and grabbed a flashlight that was on the desk beside the door. I turned it on, and shined it into the room. It had no other door to go through. I stepped into the room, calling for the masked guy, but no reply.
"No luck, he's not here." I shouted to Cory. I turn to walk out of the room, but I noticed Cory was trembling. The panda hat guy walked over to ask what's scaring Cory so much, only to look at me and start shaking.
"What is it, guys?" I ask them, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Whatever you do, don't. Turn. Around." Cory replied shakily. I whip my head around to see what they were talking about. There was nothing there, just some stupid table.
"I don't see anything." I tell those scaredy cats, "Need me to show  you?" they shook their heads. I walked back into the room, despite their protests, and shined the light on everything.
"See? Nothing out of-" I cut myself off. There was something there that wasn't there before. That large black panther from earlier was staring right at me. I wasn't freaked out at first, but then that creature stood up on two legs. I slightly turn my head to see Cory and Panda looking at me with horror.
"Guys.." I whisper to them. I ran to the door, shouting at them to do something. They still stood there, even when I was tackled and dragged me away from the door.. The creature knocked my sunglasses off and killed my light source. I yelled for help, but no one made a move. Then the door slammed shut, leaving me here, fearing for my life, with this monster that was dragging me somewhere I dreaded to know...
Cory's POV
I've seen a dead body before, but this was way more haunting. Ian's sunglasses got knocked off his face towards me. The cat was dragging him away, and I couldn't even move. I felt paralyzed in fear, and all I could do was watch all of this unfold. He reached his hand out, and called for our help. I still couldn't move, and Panda didn't look like he could help, either. Then the door slammed shut on him, but we still heard his screams. After a few minutes, the screams stopped, and all was quiet. It was almost too quiet. When I could finally move, I grabbed Ian's sunglasses and stuck them in my pocket. Panda stood up, and tried to say something, but it was all over the place. I was still terrified by what happened, but I knew that we couldn't hang onto it. We still had a job to do, and that was to find the masked guy (Panda told me his name was Delirious, but it took a while to sink in.).
"C'mon, let's go find your friend," I tell Panda.
"..Okay.." he managed. We took the other door, hoping that a similar fate wasn't waiting for us.

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