Chapter 10

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???'s POV


Uh...What just happened? I may have seen players turn on each other, but not to this extent. What was Keemstar even thinking? Did none of them heed my words when I "told" them to avoid accusing one another? I sighed as I made myself visible. They lost two of their fellowmen from recklessness. And don't get me started on Cory. I knew he wasn't the man behind this, but after seeing how they took my suggestions last time, I don't know how to tell them now. Should I just visit some of them myself? That may get them to take my messages seriously. But then again...

I pace back and forth in the halls for a while, thinking my options through carefully. If I appear to them in person at night, I might spook some of them. But my previous method didn't work last time, so what are the odds that it would work now? After hours of pacing, I decided to experiment with methods, and appear to them in person. But, now I needed to choose who to appear for. I didn't have much time left before the everyone wakes, and I would be forced to hide in the shadows. I quickly picked out a few to appear for, and made my move. I phase through Keemstar's door, but didn't try to be quiet about it. When Keem bolted up, I ducked under the desk.

"Who's there?" He asked, looking around. I poke my head out, seeing if he would see me. He didn't, so I moved to sit on the desk chair. Then he saw me.

"What the f-what are you doing here?" He asked, "Are you here to punish me for something? C'mon, speak up-oh wait, I remember. You can't." I was pretty sure he was trying to insult me. But all I do is shake my head. "Then WHY are you here?" He demanded. I set down the page I already prepared on the desk, turned invisible, and walked to a corner of the room to wait. I had already read over. It said "If I could actually speak, this would be a lot easier, believe it or not. But simply put, I've been stuck here for many years, and never before have I seen a player try to kill another one. You need to put yourself in Cory's shoes: Would you really want to be killed for something you know next to nothing about? You also need to know, the cat loves messing with peoples' heads. It may intentionally never attack one person to make others believe that something is fishy with that player, when in reality it's only the cat playing with you. It does have the mind of a human, so I suggest extreme caution be taken when someone is spared, but not to the extent of killing them."

"Godd*mn ghost, making next to no sense when he 'speaks' to anyone," Keem grumbled as he opened the desk drawer to shove the paper into. But, he stopped, dropped the paper, and dug around in the drawer. "Oh ho ho, what do we have here?" He asked as he pulled out a folded up piece of paper, and unfolded it. I was stunned to see what it was.

It was a map of the entire place, with only the exit and general location of the key marked.

"Well, Thank you, ghost! You lead me right to heroism!" He congratulated. But I was skeptical about that. Honestly, I didn't see a map in there before. But then again, last time I checked was...fairly recently...Wait a second, I thought. When did that map get there? I didn't put it there. But if not me, then who? I left the room, confused and visible. Then it hit me, and hit me hard. It's a liar's map. Those who got it thought they were going to win, but more often than not walked right into traps set by either the cat or its owners. Don't get me wrong, the locations aren't lies. They are the same spots I marked on my journal map, but the map's intention isn't to help, but to toy with a person's hope.

I took my attention off of Keemstar and the map fairly quickly, though, for my time was running short. I dashed to Anthony's dorm and got through the door, only to trip on a rug. I got up hastily, while he was beginning to stir. I rushed to his desk, dropped the note on it, and went invisible quickly. Rather than get to a corner of the room, I ducked under the desk and held my breath. Without getting up, he turned to face my direction.

"I know you're there," he said, "come out, Speechless." Speechless, Really, I thought. "Huh..must've left when I spoke," he assumed, and fell back to sleep. I crawled out from under the desk, and added on to the note I left sloppily placed. I read through it to make sure I didn't miss anything. I didn't, so I left. Sometimes I don't understand how people operate, but I'm pretty sure they too have trouble figuring that out themselves. But as of now, I could only wait and see what happens next.

As I walked down to the Dining hall, a repulsive smell hit my nose, and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from at first. The smell is kinda the same one you smell when something died and had been rotting for a while. It made me gag as I tried to find it's source. It was the strongest by the closet door, so I checked around there. There was no sign of a possible source, but when I opened the closet door, the source swung right at me. I jumped back, shocked by the sudden appearance of the source, not to mention a while new level of disgusting. It was a corpse, who it was I didn't know. I looked closer, and realized who it was. I push the corpse back into the position it was in before and slammed the closet door. No one needs to know what was in there. I hid, hoping that that wouldn't check the closet. Not that there was anything of interest before in there.

What I didn't know was how far these guys would go to find the truth, and just how stupid some people can be...

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