Chapter 6

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Red's (RedVacktor) POV

An ominous noise sounded faintly, telling me that something bad happened. It gave me minor chills up my spine, but they disappeared quickly because of Yellow, my brother. He always knew how to make any situation a little better. We were trying to find the exit of this mansion's location, And so far, we didn't have much luck. We did, however, find a library with all the info about past players. Yellow decided to look for some lead to who that ghost was based off of all the info we collected. I was looking through journals that players left behind when they perished. Many of them were rambling and all over the place, but some ended with a huge blood stain with words written underneath it. I had just finished flipping through a journal belonging to one of the first players here when Yellow shouted,

"Hey Red! You REALLY need to see this!" I drop the book and sped over to Yellow, who flipped to a page and pointed at it.

"That's him! That's the ghost!" He exclaimed. I looked at the page closely. The physical appearances matched almost perfectly with the ghost we saw earlier. I take the book from Yellow, and read the page for myself. The guy wasn't lying when he wrote that he was a past player. Most of the information was not important, but there was some things that caught my eye. The guy went by the nickname Dar during his time here. It specified that a closer investigation revealed that he was a youtuber, but since this research was conducted after his unfortunate death, the founders of this game couldn't do much to support mourning fans. They also found that he had a journal which he had drawn a map of the entire place, marking everything that could help future players. They didn't want this book to get into player hands, so they hid it in...

The rest was blacked out by a sharpie. I turned to Yellow, feeling his utter excitement.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him, getting excited. If we find this journal, we can win without any more deaths, and on top of that, we'll be deemed heroes.

"Let's find this book!" Yellow shouted, pumping his fists in the air. I decided to take the book with me, since it probably was best to share it with the others, especially Ian. He has quick wits and is the bravest of us all. Man, Cory was so lucky to get picked by him. Not saying Yellow is bad.

"So," I asked, turning to Yellow, "What do we do now? Do we go on or head back?"

"I say we head back, but use a different route," Yellow said. So instead of backtracking, we went forward with the intent to circle back to the main room. We were halfway there with our circle route when things backfired. We walked into a huge room that had bleachers on each side of the longer sides of the room. I wasn't sure of the point of this room. Yellow was looking around, awed by the size of it.

That's when things went really wrong.

There was a click sound, and the floor Yellow was standing on swung open, the doors facing downwards. I raced to Yellow, barely catching his hand before he fell too far. We were panicking, glad that neither of us had died yet. But then, something leaped at Yellow, only brushing against his feet. A light came on, revealing the horror of what that thing was. It was the monstrous cat from the night before. It was pacing back and forth under Yellow's feet.

"Aw come on," It said, "I only wanted a friend to play with. Is it too much to ask?" Yellow looked at it, then looked at me.

"Yellow!" I shout, "I know it's tempting, but don't listen to it! You'll die if you listen to your instincts now!"

"But-" Yellow called, "It's lonely! It and I could be the best of friends!"

"Yellow!" I shout to him, trying to pull him up. But it was too late, he had wiggled his hand free of my grasp. He fell, landing on the floor the cat stood on. He reached his hand out to pet the cat. The monster placed its head under Yellow's hand, showing acceptance. I still was skeptical that the creature could be tamed so easily. But, Yellow got down onto one knee, and was scratching the monster's chin. Its foot thumped the ground, and it purred happily. Then, it whipped its head to place Yellow's neck in between its jaws, and crushed his throat slightly.

"Any last words?" The creature asked. Yellow was shocked. He looked up to where I was.

"Red.." Yellow wheezed, "Tell Blue that..I was honored to be his brother." Then the monster made its final move, moving its jaw from Yellow's neck to his left shoulder, and tearing off Yellow's arm. Then it tore off his right leg.

"YELLOW!!" I shouted, trying to fight back tears. He looked at me, his eyes half open. "NOOOO!!" I cried. Then the cat started to drag the body somewhere, but the trapdoors slammed shut, leaving me shattered on the inside. I forced myself to get up, and finish the route, but I cried through the entire trip, and every step was like lifting a 40-pound weight, then dropping it. I finally returned to the main room, and Pink greeted my return.

"Hey Red...Wait, what's wrong? Where's Yellow?" She asked me.

"He-He-He's-" I stuttered between my sobs. Blue got up from his corner and walked to me.

"W-What happened? Yellow did what?" Blue asked, getting worried.

"YELLOW'S DEAD!!" I burst out, crying my eyes out. Pink backed away from me, shocked. Blue only stood there, tearing up. He collapsed to his knees. He wrapped his arms around me, and cried with me. Pink then followed Blue's example. We all sat there, crying for the loss of the only "light" of this hall of misery. Then we interrupted when someone entered through the door.

He avoided bumping into us, and sat at the table. I turn slightly to look at him. He was the hockey masked guy from last night. My anguish turned to anger, and that guy was the target. I rush to the guy, grab him by his shirt collar, and lifted him slightly into the air.

"This was your fault!" I shout at him between tears, "If you hadn't run off like that, Yellow would still be alive right now!" The others tried to calm me down, but I told them to back off. They did.

"What did I do?" The guy asked, "If I hadn't went the wrong way, would it have changed what route you took?" I dropped him, my anger changing back.  I sat down, placed my hand over my face, and cried softly. The guy moved as far away from me as he could, not wanting to be the victim of my mood swing again. Blue and Pink helped me up, guiding me to my dorm. They advised that I call it a day for today. I took their advice, and tried to sleep. But every time I shut my eyes, the memory replayed itself, as if taunting me for doing nothing to help my own brother. Blue and Pink decided to sleep in the same room I was, to be there for me. I put my arm over my face, and the folder fell out. I didn't go to pick it up: i didn't have the energy to. I drifted off eventually, with the memories I had with Yellow playing in my dreams.

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