Chapter 2

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H2ODelirious's POV

AHHHH! WTF was going on?! A few minutes ago, some new guy that has a camera for a face enters the room. Now BAM! Lights are out cold, and I'm f*cking terrified! Even Anthony (BigJigglyPanda) freaked out, yelling sh*t like, "Ah! WTS is going on?! Delirious, WTF is happening?!"
"Don't look at me!" I shout at him, "I have no idea, either!" And by the looks of it, nobody had a clue what was happening or what's next. Just then, the crackling voice smoothed out a little bit. And what I'm guessing is some form of announcements played, of course with the lights still turned off.
"Greetings, players. Welcome to hell, basically. Okay, not entirely, but it'll feel like it. So I'm gonna cut to the chase: your chances of living through this are pretty slim. You were given your 3 days to explore this place, but now that time is over. Please make sure that the bar codes stitched somewhere on your clothing is with you at all times: you'll need it to move around this place from now on. Let's play a game of cat and mouse. The rules are simple:
1. You cannot outrun the cat. Literally. The only way to escape it is to outsmart it.
2. You cannot use the same bar code to open a door you opened on that same day. Travel in pairs if you plan on exploring, then returning to the main sector.
3. If the cat catches you, you're 'out.' And by 'out,' I mean dead. So yeah, don't get caught.
4. At night, the last person to enter their rooms is 'out.'
5. If you happen to get stuck in a room and can't go through the door, you're a special case. Use the room you're stuck in to your advantage against the cat.
6. If the cat tags two people on the same day, it cannot tag anyone for the next day, unless someone triggers a booty trap.
And that's it. Simple, right? Good luck. You'll desperately need it."

Right after the announcer hung up, the lights flickered back on. However, something was off: The guy that ginger was fighting wasn't in his seat anymore. Hell, he wasn't even in the hall, either. That blue guy in the corner was not helping at all. He was breaking down and randomly shouting things about dying. We all looked all over for this guy, but no luck...or I thought so. Then, someone screamed at the chamber hall. Many people, myself and Anthony included, bolted to the hall, hoping that it was a clue to where the one guy went. I saw that camera guy from earlier backed up against the wall in terror.
"Yo, what's the matter? What'ca find?" Many of us were asking. The guy couldn't say much; he kept stuttering on his words.
"F-f-he-he's d-d-"
"He's what? What happened?" I demanded. He only pointed to the opposite side of the hall and said,
"See for yourself." All of us looked in the direction he was pointing. There he was: but how he looked now scared the living crap out of me.
The guy had blood running from down from him mouth, which was slightly open. The headphones he was wearing around his neck were badly damaged. His hands were tied together, with a large metal nail at the knot of the rope. His eyes read death; this guy was dead. I looked closer to see the cause of it. There was a golden railroad nail in his chest, which, except for the head, was covered in blood. Beside him were words, which I could only assume were written in his blood. These words said something that chilled my bones.

They read "The cat must die..It may be one of you." And another set of words read. "Felix is now out :)"

I turn to look at who followed into this hall. A guy in sunglasses, Anthony, that yellow dude, the ginger and what I could assume was his pal, a guy with the front of his hair dyed red, and camera face were here, accusing each other for the murder. But who could have killed this guy? All of us were in the same room when the lights died and turned back on. Wait a sec, I thought, who's scream was that? I chimed in,
"Well, how can you be sure that it wasn't camera face?"
"Rude!" he claimed out loud, "I have a name, moron! It's Cory, and also, why do you think it was me?"

"Well," I state, "That scream came from your direction, and it could've been anyone's scream, not just yours. Also explain those words written beside this guy's body for me."

"It says 'May be', not 'is.'" He told me, "You have to remember that it could've been-"

His sentence was cut off by some alarm, warning us to hide in the chambers. I wasn't moved by the alarm, but what got me to bolt was a sound of growling at the other end of the hall. Wasting no time, everyone, including myself, bolted. But I ran through a wrong door, and rather than try to get back, I just went through as many bar code rooms as possible before hitting a dead end. There was a conveniently my-sized locker, which I hid in, praying that this thing wouldn't find me.

Whatever it was slipped into the room I was in via a ceiling vent, and looked around. Oh god, those growls were scaring me sh*tless. However, what was more terrifying was when it spoke. The issue was, this creature looked like it had no capacity of speaking, so hearing that almost made me think I was going crazy or some sh*t like that.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." It began, almost singing it, "Nightmare's gonna find you..." It sniffed the air for a little bit, then continued while approaching the locker I was in."Come out, come out, wherever you are... Nightmare's gonna eat you." It chuckled a little bit. Holy sh*t, that song was as haunting as f*ck. It then looked right at me. I held my breath, mainly by instinct. It growled a bit, looked, then decided I wasn't worth it, for whatever reason, and left through the same vent it went through. I gasped, still freaking out over that whole scenario. But, I got an idea for exploring the mansion without having to work in pairs. Now it was a matter of getting back to the main part of this place, which I decided f*ck it, it's too dangerous to try to get back there. I left the closet, and looked to see if there was anywhere that was considered good enough material to sleep on. No luck, the only thing that would work was my blue jacket.

Now under normal circumstances, there would be no way I was going to use my jacket. But, these were not normal circumstances, but rather conditions I'd be lucky if I even fell asleep after all of the sh*t that just went down. I laid down near the locker, my hockey mask hitting the ground a bit. I took it off, mainly because it was uncomfortable to sleep with it on. Besides, The others aren't gonna find me before I woke, hopefully. But, what if they don't find me at all? Or worse, what if they found me, but...?

I tried to push away these thoughts, but the sheer validity of them made pushing them away hard. I eventually drifted away, hoping that whatever that was doesn't come back to do who knows what with me...

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