Chapter 1

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     A/N Heyyyy well this is my story that I've actually published and i hope you enjoy it! My laptop is broken so I can't write on there and since I broke it my parents won't fix it :*( I have to write on tablet so excuse my grammar  mistakes "/ promote my story if you want to and if you don't that's okay too *cough* please *cough*but I would also appreciate any banners, trailers, and covers,that any one would like to do and I will soon be having contest for this kind of thing pleaseee and thanks ~burntgram

     “Nanny…” I shouldn’t be talking to her since she’s cooking but I was curious.

     “What?!” She lifted her horn-rimmed glasses off the bridge of her nose and shot me daggers.

      “I was just wondering who was in your yard. Gesh! ” I rolled my eyes and held back my middle finger.

     “Oh! Sorry you know how I get when I’m in the mood to cook!” She started bustling around the kitchen completely ignoring my question.

     “Nanny…” I started to wave my hand and she started to hum. “Nanny? HELLO?” By the time she started to sway and mix her famous, homemade cake mix. I was so angry and flustered that I just walked away. I went to my room around back and grabbed my phone. I had thirty text messages from my ex, Phillip, telling me to ‘call him ASAP!!! J’

     “UGGGGGHHHHHH!” I didn’t want to call him he’s the reason I am who I am well him and my mom. He’s the reason I’m a ‘bitch, slut, no good daughter, and whore’ I hate him for making me this way. When I think about him or my dumb-ass mom I tend to float away from the world and lose track of the things going on around me. I was so into thinking about their deaths that I hadn’t noticed my nanny walk into the room humming her stupid song.

     “Melony why do you have a thong strung over your fish tank?”

     "What?! When did you get in here?! I didn't even hear you come up the steps?! And I thought my door was locked...." The last part was more to myself than it was to her.


     "Well maybe you should turn down this damn music!" She waddled over the my HUGE stereo system, slipped and her glasses and started to play with the buttons.

     "Its not mine..." I said but she didn't listen.

     "How the hell do you turn this thing off?" she said in a hushed tone "Melony!? How the hell do you turn this thing off?!?" she turned and looked at me awaiting my response.

     "I said it's not mine.." she moved away from the stereo and hobbled toward the fish tank again.

     "What do you mean it's not yours?! Why do you have another women's thong in your room? Is there something you want to tell me Melony."  I rolled my eyes and walked toward my bathroom and yes I have my own.. my Nannys loaded yet she can't help anyone out in this world,Bitch.  I shut the door and started to change into my bathing suit.

     " Its not my music and but that is my thong." I shook my head in disbelief, was this woman really that stupid?

     "Wait so who- ohhhh! Its Harry's ! " her eyes lit up and realization.

     " Nanny... who's Harry?" I walked out of the bathroom fumbling with the strings to my black bikini. My nanny huffed behind me and then smack my hands out of the way. she grabbed the strings started to tie them in a bow.

     " Squat..." she said in a hushed voice. " This thing..... you know I hate this damn thing, right?" she let go of my perf bow and spun my around to face me " Listen, I don't I repeat DO NOT want you around this boy. Got it?" She walk away grabbing my black lace thong with her pincher fingers and throwing it in the trash can.

     "Hey! That was my favorite one!" I pouted my lower lip like a child, and her response was.....

     "They make more." she stated to walk out of the room. I ran after her first grabbing my blue IPhone 5C off the desk by the door.

     "Nanny!" I grabbed my red Toms from under the table and slipped the over my no-show socks. "Who's Harry?"

     "I don't want you around that boy! He has more tattoos than I have television channels, he also has more piercing than I have spoons in my collection! And probably more warrant and suspensions than I have bones in my body!" she gave me THE death stare.


      i have more written this is just to see how many people like it so far I guess

     love burntgram


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