Chapter 5

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The forest wasn't bad here. Most of the animals were mainly night time creatures. The deer, rabbits, and birds excluded. It was usually quite because the animals were all asleep, and I was one of the only people to venture into the forest. They were all too scared to get ticks, but what they didn't know was that ticks don't flock to this part of the country.

My time in the woods was usually spent at the treehouse my brothers and I had built with my parents when I was little. It took me a good ten minutes to get there but I enjoyed the time to think.

When I finally reached the hidden 'fortress' I pulled out my phone that had been ringing off the hook. I had four missed calls from Zayn and a new text.

I decided that defiantly wasn't calling back Zayn but I wanted to see who the text was from. Right as I was about to check it, I heard something behind me and didn't want to risk Zayn seeing me so I slipped into the treehouse. If I do say so my self the tree house was well hidden and well built.

One of my favorite times was sitting at home and my parents were happy and we would do things together. They would take me and my brothers out to bowl or to a carnival. My favorite memory was living near my Nanny and coming to build the tree house. We started building it then shortly after the foundation was up my parents split up and change happened immediately. My mom moved to the UK and my dad movie two states over from here. Then a few years later he moved me back because my attitude had gotten worse because of the 'move'. He thought moving me to a new school and a new state wouldn't affect me...It didn't my mom leaving her only daughter to live with no women, just my dad and my brothers had.

He moved me back to reclaim old memories of shit that I didn't care about. He thought that sending me back to a rich people community, where people don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves, would improve me, that if I had my old friends back I would change. Well he was wrong. I fell out with my friends and became friends with Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam. They were the only people who bothered to listen and yet most people call me a whore because I only have guy friends. They don't understand that they never gave me a chance.

While reminiscing I haven't heard someone climb up the latter. I thinking have a habit of zoning out.

I haven't bothered to turn around because i knew that only five people knew where the Treehouse was. Four of them helped me build it.

"Niall." My voice sounded tempered and sharp.

"Melony." he hooked his arms around my waist and rested his head in the hook of my shoulder, me still facing away from him.

"Why are you here?" He started leaving wet kisses down the crook of my neck.

"I could asked you the same question, Niall." your probably getting the wrong impression from me saying that Harry was hot, but as I explained I don't really settled down or as my nanny says I ' sleep around'.

" Well I came over too see if you wanted to come back to my bed with me." I could feel his hot breath on my ear.

"Niall?" I asked. "Why didn't you just call?" I turned to face him.

" I did. Some guy anwsered, and said that why couldn't come because you had a bit of a problem and I thought maybe your Mum or Dad had come for you." I could tell that he meant no harm bring up my parents, but by the look on my face he didn't like were this conversation was going to lead so he changed the Subject. " But then I realized I hear someone screaming stop in the background and then I heard Bessie name and I knew you were probably kicking her ass and I thought I should come save you from Jail. " the smile that spread across his face was addicting and warm.

"Niall my Nanny is loaded, why would I need you to get me out." I said biting my lip and looking at him seductively.

"Well- I ...uhh." Niall got a little excited and I felt it. "I just thought-" I decided I would save him from his misery and just kiss him. Immediately after my lips met his he moaned and I took that as an opening and slipped my tongue in to his mouth. I pulled away and smirked at him.

"Niall with that moan you could have waken the raccoons." I said teasing him.

"Shut up, Melony!" he said laughing. "Want to finish this at my place?" he flicked his blue eyes down my body and back to my five giving my a pleading look.

"Let's go."

a/n Well guys sorry that I haven't updated for a while but I've a d exams a schedule change band practice school band practice and then Christmas but I got a new phone so it's way easier to Write. any way bye guys I'll start writing the next chapter now and make sure to point out the raccoons and typos lol. I would like to give a shortcut to my best friend jasmine @bunny2204 she is reading a one direction fanatic just for me. (she doesn't like them don't send her hate or I'll chop off your head!!!!!)




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