Chapter 7

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 A/N for those of you that have read before i change anything, the main Characters name WAS Gram but I changed it Melony because of my story plot. Sorry, not sorry.

  "Wait Niall," I waited for him to stop moving. "You didn't see my necklace when you were giving me a hick-?"  he cut me off.

    "Ha. No I didn't actually." he started to blush and turned away from me again. Huh. I got a bad boy to blush. That's funny as Hell.

     "Damn!" I think I may have woken every animal in the forest with that one. I also think I may be bipolar.

    "Melony, what's wrong?" Niall's worry was more evident than mine.

     "I lost my necklace." I have a bad problem with rambling when I'm upset. "Shit! I can't go back without that necklace. Where is it?"

I checked my bra, shoe, and pockets. Nope. Nothing, I couldn't find it anywhere. I didn't care if I got anymore, i need that necklace.

                   *Zayn's POV*

     After telling the police some shit story about a deer accident, they wrote a report and loaded Becca into the ambulance.

     We made her promise that she wouldn't tell on Melony. The look of pure fear was held in her glance when we told her that Melony said she would get out of jail and murder her in her sleep if she told. We told her that and she started hyperventilating they kicked us out of the cab of the ambulance and put an oxygen mask on her face. They couldn't leave until the police gave the clear.

     "Wait!" Every head in the yard snapped to the voice. Niall. "Melony, wait!" Her eyes were frantic and evil. Damn.

     " Melony. Stop."  She looked at me and her face softened.

     "Why?!" you could the his erupt from the back of her throat.

    "We already took care of Becca." Harry interjected.

     "The fuck? I could give a flying shit what you did with Becca." the name slid out like the tonge of a snake.

    Belongs feet sprang from their resting position and she flew past us all. Harry was the first one to act, bit Melony was faster. She stopped at the side of the pool and Harry was still several feet behind her. She dropped her phone and pulled off her Toms. Her phone defiantly cracked because we all heard it and heard her scream raw profanities.

     Just as Harry reached Melony she dove into the pool and stayed under for a minute. She came up with something shiny and silver in her hands. Obviously it wasn't what she was looking for because she threw it far. Niall and I walked to the side where Harry stood and watched her swim for what seemed like hours.

    Finally she gave up and had the most sad look on the face. Tests started to stream down her face and she started to spaz out. Even when she looked sad and defenseless she looked scary. It was weird to see her cry, where as she is usually cold, and angry. Her deep green eyes were cold again but it wasn't the same, they were menacing like usual.

   I looked at Niall to see if he had any idea what was going on but he looked even more confused as Harry and I were.

    "Niall what's wrong with her. She's never like this. Ever." Harry seemed to be more interested in our conversation than the lost girl in the water.

     "To be honest, I'm not sure. She lost something." he laughed.

     "Why ate you laughing. She's obviously crushed and you're fucking laughing?! I'm not to sure I see anything funny about this at all." Fucking Child.

A/N thanks for reading




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