Chapter 42 Where the Wild Things Are

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Chapter 42

Where the Wild Things Are

Third Person~

A moan escaped Kate's lips as she came too. Her vision was too blurry to make anything out as she squinted and tried to raise a hand to the throbbing pain in the back of her head. She was prevented from doing so by the ropes holding her securely to a chair. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing in and out slowly before opening them again. They focused a little better this time.

"Have a nice rest?"

Her eyes found Merle leaning against the closed door with a big grin. She barely gave him a fraction of a second's acknowledgement before her eyes flitted off him and around the bare walled room they were in. There were no windows, the floor was concrete and the walls were composed of wavy metal sheets. The only other thing in there aside from the two people the chair Kate was tied to was a heavy, round, wooden table and one other unoccupied chair.

"I hope you woke up on the right side of the bed this time cause I ain't playin' nice anymore."

Kate finally looked at him for real, smirking at the red stained bandage wrapped around his upper arm.

"Prouda your little handy work, huh? Too bad you couldn't kill me. Just like this didn't kill me neither." He waved his prosthetic around, the knife still attached to the end.

"Wasn't trying to kill you. Either time." She said coolly despite the fact he started tapping out a tune with the blade of his prosthetic against the table as he slowly approached her.

"That right?"

"Why would I lie to you, Merle?"

"Why would you leave a guy for dead chained to a roof top?" He countered, stroking her hair off her face with the tip of his knife, applying enough pressure that she could definitely feel it, but not quite enough to cut. She held stock-still, her steely gaze not leaving his.

"We went back for you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. Daryl. Rick. Glenn, T-dog, myself. We went back but you were gone. No one told you to cut your damn hand off."

"No one told me anyone was coming back neither." He growled. "Some rescue crew anyway. I probably did myself a favour cuttin' loose of your pansy-ass group."

"You realize your brother's part of that group, right?"

"Ah, my brother. Are you gonna tell me where he is now?"

"No." She said simply but certainly. Merle suddenly slammed his prosthetic down on the table loudly, making Kate jump- the first external indicator of how nervous she was on the inside.

"Tell me!"

"I'm not giving up where the group is."

"You can't tell me he's alive and then hold off on where he is." Merle said, regaining his dangerously calm composure. Kate thought he was like a bomb, one that could blow at any moment. She just pressed her lips together and kept her eyes trained on a point behind him. "Come on Pebbles, he's family. I ain't gonna hurt him."

"I'm not worried about him. It's you that should be worried."

"Why's that?"

"They'll come for me."

"That little pussy rescue crew of yours?" Merle mocked, chuckling. "Freckles, you'd be better to cut your own hands off and get out of here yourself. They don't even know you're here."

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