Chapter 11: Hard Luck Woman

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Chapter Eleven 

Hard Luck Woman 

First Person~ Kate O'Reilly

*WARNING* Please be advised this chapter contains mature content. Read at your discresion.

I sat with my back against the wall mulling over the situation. There was no cure and there probably never would be one with just this one guy left. But we were here now, and we were safe. And that was alright by me.  

"What's the point? If we were infected, we'd all be running a fever." Andrea asked bitterly as Jenner drew her blood. 

"I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here. Let me just at least be thorough." He said, finishing taking her sample. "All done." He dismissed her and she stood but wobbled, looking dizzy and a little sick. I instantly wondered if she'd gotten scratched by Amy after all and it was slowly setting in. 

"Are you okay?" Jenner asked, clearly thinking she might be infected as well. 

"She hasn't eaten in days. None of us have." Jacqui explained, steadying Andrea and helping her sit. I hopped into the chair, next in line. 

"Don't look so surprised doc, you know how it is." I commented on his expression as I held my arm out. "Or maybe you don't," I realized. "When was the last time you left this place?" He was far paler than the rest of us, who all saw all hours of hot sun every day.  

"63 days ago. But before that I spent most of my time here anyway. Trying to prevent it from going global." He shocked us into silence.  

"You mean you knew about the disease before the outbreak?" Shane clarified. 

"We've been fighting it for 164 days." He nodded. 

"How come the public wasn't made aware?" I demanded as he pulled the needle from my arm and handed me a Band-Aid.  

"Imagine the chaos it would have caused. It's better they didn't know." 

"Look at the chaos not knowing caused." Justin muttered as I took my seat by the wall again. 

"Refugee centres could have been established before it was too late, they didn't have to be over run." Shane agreed. 

"It wasn't my call. But it can't be changed now anyway so no point in getting worked up over it." Jenner said, aggravatingly calmly, as Lori took a seat for her turn. 

Splayed across the dining table was more food than we'd been treated to in a long time. Everyone was digging into the food as we all laughed at something Glenn had said while Dale topped up everyone's wine glass. 

"You know, in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France." He hinted.  

"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then." Lori placed a hand over Carl's glass. 

"What's it gonna hurt? Come on." Rick encouraged her to loosen up. "Come on." 

"Can I try too?" Elsie asked. 

"Knock yourself out." I said, handing her my own glass to try from. Lori gave in seeing me let Elsie try and handed Carl's glass to Dale to fill. Elsie bravely took a giant swig which we could all see she instantly regretted as her face shrivelled up at the taste. Everyone laughed.  

"Brutto! Gross!" She groaned, shoving the glass back into my hands. 

"There you are, young lad." Dale handed Carl his glass. 

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