Chapter 5 (part one?)

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The day of midterms had arrived. I ran to class trying to find Karma before exams actually started. Usually E-class is never allowed to enter the main campus building. But they make exceptions when it comes to assembly day and mid/final exams.

I ran inside the class that we would be taking the exam and looked around, panting. Nagisa and Kayano were in the corner talking. Terasaka and his 'gang' were by the window trying to act cool and dramatic....doesn't really work when you're picking your nose, Takuya...

Unknown to me,Nagisa glanced at me and gave me a questioning look. I rushed out of the class to search for Karma elsewhere, I have to tell him about the new material! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and accidentally bumped into someone.

"So-sorry! I wasn't looking and....Asano?!?"

"Shuzuko! W-what are you doing! Sprinting across the halls like that! And should you be in your class right now!" He said to me, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me towards my classroom.

"W-wait! I need to find-"

"Listen Shuzuko, I'm not sure why your got moved to E-class, but if you want to get out you're going to have to work hard for it! No come on and stop struggling, we need to get you to your class!"

"But I-"

"Okay let's go!"

I sighed in defeat, oh well... Asano is never going to let me go...might a swell just get back to class.

Asano continued pushing me until I reached my classroom. I 'thanked' him to my room. He just nodded  and walked off.

Sighing for the second time this day I turned around and walk grudgingly to my least, I would've walked grudgingly, if I hadn't seen Karma sitting in the back! I took a step forward ready to sprint towards him when-

"Alright everyone in your seats, you're about to start the midterms so I don't want any funny business, since we all know your track records." A teacher stated as he walked into the class. Ugh, I was this close... I'm so sorry Karma.

The teacher passes out our tests, glaring weirdly at everyone there. Not that they cared anyway. When he handed my paper he looked at me funny and smirked.

"Ha, I guess the rumors are true. There is one Asano flunkey in the school." Oh he did not just go there.

"Sorry sir, but people are taking a test, I'd appreciate it if you did your job and not distract others from taking their tests. I do have ties with your boss, you know." I gave him a sly smile while saying that. He quickly shut his mouth and handed the test paper to me and walked off, muttering a string of curses under his breath. Serves him right. I sighed and looked down at my paper. I hope all my studying pays off.

Author~kun: hey guys....sorry for the late update....

Lil sis: yeah...I had to sit here and wait since you never tell me what's going to happen.... ;-;

Author~kun: And ish soooo small too...yeah this ones going to be small because I just thought it'd be a better transition to what happens after finals

Lil sis: can we get on with the disclaimer now?

Author~kun: yeah yeah, go ahead

Lil sis: YEAH! Okay okay, INTRODUCING......KAYANO!!!

Kayano: oh! Hello! (Why am I here)


Kayano: You heard that? Wow your hearing is pretty impressive

Author-kun: you have no idea

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