Chapter 8

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"Hurry up! you know how gets when we don't get to school by his scheduled time." I ran back and forth looking for my phone.

"Oi! Gimme a sec, Gakushu! I'm looking for my cell!" I yelled down to my brother who was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I shuffled through my clothes, under the bed, and even in my brothers room, and I still couldn't find it. I mentally groaned and grudgingly picked up my book bag (Or whatever those bags are called in japan where they carry their books idk) and walked downstairs.

"Well, did you find it?" Gakushu asked, walking by my side towards the garage. I looked down disappointed.

"No, but it'll probably turn up somewhere." I slipped my shoes on and walked through the garage door. Looking ahead I saw father in his car, probably waiting for us while he fixed his tie in the mirror. I opened up the back seat door and put my bag down right next to where I sat. Gakushu obviously taking the front seat. Father started up the car and we drove off to school.

The ride was quiet for the most part, all you could really hear was the car's engine as it accelerated. Well, it was silent until father decided to speak up.

"So? How were your tests?" He asked the both of us, though it sounded more directed to me.

"Ah, easy as always. A's on all of them." Gakushu smirked. Typical him, bring up grades and he'll boast about how high he was in the 'food chain.' Father simply nodded as he then made eye contact with me through the rear view mirror.

"And you, Shuzuko?" He's eyes were predatory, as they always had been, something Gakushu got from him. I guess my authority only really worked if I was angry enough.

"Gomen, but they weren't anything different, still C's. He nodded yet again, but something in his eyes showed he was thinking. Gakushu suddenly turned to face father, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Wait if her test scores are in C's then why is she in E class?" He demanded. Father didn't say anything to him and kept his eyes on the road obviously not caring about what Gakushu was saying. Gakushu then turned to me, searching my eyes for any signs of some reason to this. I sighed and looked down, showing him I wouldn't speak either, well, couldn't. I had made a promise to my father and I can't just break it. He angrily turned back to father.

"So? I demand to know what's going on." Finally father replied.

"Gakushu... are you questioning my authority. I will remind you of your status when within my presence." He turned to look at him. "I should remind you to not question my actions as your principle...and as your father." His eyes gleamed with quiet fury. There it was, the Asano's powerful double sided knife. As if blood lust was anything, this was the power an Asano could have. The power of Manipulation.

Gakushu, knowing his place sat back down. And once again, the car was filled with silence. But this time it was the deafening silence of tension, like the battlefield of a war after someone had won.

º º º

Climbing up the "hill" to E-class was still as long and tiring as I remembered. Sighing, I looked up and suddenly stopped. Oh. my. god. How could i forget! I sprinted up the hill excitedly with a huge grin on my face. And here i thought the whole day would just be awkward because of the conversation in the car ride here! Because of that i totally forgot about the school trip next week! I swung open the door and slammed my bag down, startling Korosensei who got....mascara all over his face becuase of my sudden intrusion. Deciding not to ask - which is something I learned I may not want to do when it come to Korosensei - I waited for the rest of the class to come in, seeing as I was early as usual.

"U-uh Shuzuko? Shuzuko, wake up." Huh, what the... My eyes fluttered open to see Nagisa poking me and Sugino hiding behind his back. I lazily rubbed my eyes awake and looked around to see many people talking amongst themselves.

[Karma x OC] Assasination classroom; the average studentWhere stories live. Discover now