Christmas Special: Chapter 7?

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Ok Ik it's not Christmas, just enjoy the chapter and read the ending ;-;

"CHRISTMAS!" Korosensei yelled in my ear as he ran around the room hanging up decorations.

"CHRISTMAS" I held my hands above my ear and put my head down. Being the only one here, sine I come early, I had to deal with his excitement...alone.

"CHRISTM-" I cut him off.

"YES, I GET IT! ITS CHRISTMAS! NOW WOULD YOU PLEASE CALM DOWN!" I yelled at him, anger evident on my face. He immediately stopped and put the decorations down to cleared his throat.

"Ahem, yes, sorry. It's just the holiday spirit is so wonderful, I wanted you all to feel the holiday spirit as I continue this monologue!"

"What monologue...we're talking..."

Ignoring my comment, Korosensei continued to walk - or in this case, "sprint" - around the classroom, humming Christmas songs and hanging up his last few decorations. Christmas was always very bland for me. We never did anything at home. It was basically a break from school work to do some extra work for "advanced learning." Like that got me anywhere. I sighed and laid down on my cheek. This day was just going to be a burden on me.

"KOROSENSEI!" Okajima yelled out as he burst through the room holding a...oh god

"Yes? What is it, Okajima?" Korosenei replied. Oh god, this could be a disaster. Okajima ran up to korosensei and held up a..... A MISTLETOE?!?

"WE CANT HAVE CHRISTMAS WITHOUT MISTLETOE!" okajima yelled. Yes we can... just burn it, please don't put it in here.

"You're absolutely right Okajima! What's christmas without a but of mistletoe!" Korosensei and Okajima did this weird smirking thing while trying to act evil. Perverts, the both of them.

More and more students came in, all of which we wishing each other a "merry christmas." I turned to look outside my window when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun my heard around to see a smiling Nagisa-kun.

"Merry Christmas Shuzuko!" I couldn't hide my growing smile. Nagisa-kun's happiness was just to contagious.

"Merry christmas Nagisa-kun" I replied, hugging him.

"O-oh! Here!" Nagisa-kun ruffled through his bag. He pulled out a wrapped box and held it out to me. "I-I i thought you might like a christmas gift since...well I don't know, I just thought you'd like it." He blushed in embarrassment. I grinned broadly and grabbed the present, and put it on my desk.

"Aww Nagisa-kun you cinnamon roll." I put him in a headlock and ruffled his hair.

"Hey! I just fixed that!" He managed to get out of my headlock and attempted to fix his hair. I looked down at the present he gave me...and then realized something.

"OH MY GOD, NAGISA-KUN I'M SO RUDE!" I gripped his shoulders as he panicked about why i was panicking. "AH! GOMEN, GOMEN, GOMEN!" I said as I continuously bowed down to apologise.

"W-what is it?" He asked shakily.

"I DIDN'T GET YOU OR ANYONE ELSE A PRESENT" I replied, realizing the horrible mistake I made. Sure I don't really celebrate christmas all that much, but I usually did bring presents for my friends.

"Hey, it's fine. If you forgot then it's fine."

"No, no! I insist! Take my lunch instead!"

[Karma x OC] Assasination classroom; the average studentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora