Chapter 6

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I huffed in annoyance as I stared at my test. All 70 something. I clutched the sheet in annoyance, nothing had changed. I'm still stuck at C, I'm still...just average. Even with the extra help... I looked up at the sky and sighed. I was sitting right outside the E class "building" trying to get my mind off my complete fail. Why does this always happen. I put in all my effort into this and nada.

I got up and sigh again, trudging towards our classroom. I slid open the door and took my seat. Still the first one here. I rested my chin on my hand and look to my left outside the window, taking in the falling leaves. Is this what my life would amount to? Just average? What was holding me back? I clenched my fist in anger. I was about to grab my eraser to chuck across the room when the door opened.

"Oh, hi Nagisa~kun," I greeted him, releasing my fist. He had a bored and disappointed look on his face. Not saying a word, he sat down in his seat, leaving me back to my thoughts.

It wasn't soon after Nagisa~kun came in that everyone else came in too. With the same disappointed look and their heads down. It was obvious what happened....they had all failed. It was that moment when I felt bad for thinking all those things a while ago. I didn't completely fail...but they did. I looked down and twiddled my thumbs, not in the mood for socializing.

Eventually, after all the other students had seated themselves, Korosensei walked in too, looking as glum as ever. He stood in the front of the class and faced the wall, mumbling things about "not being able to face us." i scoffed and silently drew out my knife. What a fool. I haven't done much in participating on killing Korosensei, but why would I? i had nothing against him. But hey, just to make sure the class takes me seriously with the whole assassination thing, I might as well startle him. And just like that, I stood up, flinging the knife towards the chalk board. The speed surprising me, its a miracle I didn't get whiplash. I looked towards a startled Korosensei and smirked...until I realized that there was another knife right next to Korosensei on the ground. Did I throw two? No, I distinctly remember only throwing one... I noticed from the corner of my eye someone else standing up with me. His fiery red hair blazing and his chin up, almost taunting. Karma. He looked at me and smirked, then looked back at our teacher, giving me my cue to also turn my head forward.

Karma staring walking forward holding his test papers. "Have it your way, keep your back turned if you want, just makes it easier for us to sneak up on you." Everyone was still a bit shocked about what had just happened. Immediately Korosensei's face turned red with annoyance.

"I am in no mood karma! This whole situation has me very-" he was interrupted by karma playing his test papers in front of him. Korosensei looked at the papers in front of him. By now I had sat down, not really having anything to say. Karma smirked, "so they added a few questions to the stupid test, big deal." Everyone had got up to see Karma's grade, only resulting in them all gasping.


"Hold the phone, you got 100 in math!"

That got my attention. I looked down and sighed. Karma didn't even know the material and he still got all A's. Quietly, I packed my bag and left the class while everyone was laughing. Before I could get out of the classroom someone stated, "Hey...did Asano get her knife stuck in the wall."

I widened my eyes and slowly turned around. "Ha ha...I'll pay for it?" I said nervously, but it turned out like more of a question than an actually statement. Moving as quickly and awkwardly as I could I grabbed the knife out of the wall and sped walked home.


[Karma x OC] Assasination classroom; the average studentWhere stories live. Discover now