Chapter 3- First Week Vibes

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\\Nine's POV\\\

It's already almost been an entire damn week at this place. The academics here are so flawless, and so perfect. It's actually very very slightly challenging this time around.

But the people.... The people here are all fucking nuts. Or maybe it's just me, you know what whatever.

This is the hardest time for me to try to distance myself from people. So. Fucking. Hard. Literally groups of people would approach me, ask my name, all this other bullshit, and my phone number. And they wouldn't give up either, just like Twelve.

Is everyone outside of a foster home like this?

I always said that I didn't have a phone, but today I fucked up and took it out in the middle of class to check the time ( just don't even ask how I have a phone in the first place. Long story short it's a going out into the world without any official place to stay anymore perk, agh shit that sounded like something from that soppy teen movie thing I forgot the name wait why the hell am I trailing off so much... Ugh...)

As I was saying, now some people are just non stop begging for it. At lunch, I tried sitting alone, but 4 people sat with me and asked for my number the entire time. They also  tried getting to know every detail and ounce of me. It was so fucking annoying... And it made me really really anxious. Like, something inside you is just grabbing your stomach so tightly kind of anxious, I hate it.

And Twelve... I don't even know where to start with him.

He's already asking me everyday how school was, what people did you meet, and all this other bullshit you really don't need to know. I never answered him, of course. It actually pains me when he tries talking to me, but not for the reason you might think... I should probably ask to switch rooms, but I'm too much of a coward to do that. I'll just deal with it.

Today is Friday, and I just got home. Suprisingly, Twelve followed suit a few minutes after me, which is really weird because he's been coming two or more hours later than me everyday.

I wish those two hours could turn into a lifetime. Not that I hate him, I don't at all... It's just...

"Hey Nine! Guess what?" His voice spoke, filling the room with some sort of bubbly drink.

Let's just get one thing strait: I don't like games. People games, especially, especially the many games he's already played on me this week so I would talk to him. I'll pass on this one, just like all of them.

I sat down on my desk chair and opened up my textbook to begin my homework. But Twelve just wouldn't stop filling the cup...

"Guess!...Guess!... Guesssss! ...Come on, just guess it!... Guessy guess guess...Guess!...Nine, I know you have hearing, I've talked to you before!... You don't have to ignore meeeeee...Just Guess! Guest? Goost? Grease?-"

"WHAT!" I shouted, very irritated. I'm so sick and tired of his games.

I guess he noticed by the tone of my voice, an ice cold glass of water that's barely water, that I was really irritated with him, and he gave up the game. Thank god.

"Well... I got invited to a party annnndddd..."

Oh dear lord, I don't like where this is going.

"I invited you along too!"

Really Twelve?! For gods sake leave me alone! I've already hurt you so much.... Oh shit I went too far again.

"No" I responded. Then his whining game began.

"Oh come onnnnn! It'll be fun! You'll meet all sorts of people-"

"Do you really think I want that? Would you guess that by how I've been acting, towards you, this entire week?" God I sound like such an attention seeker, but how else do I put it?

"It'll be good for you!"


"You may meet one of your new best friends there! Or maybe even something mor-"

"Well I don't want that! Okay!" Someone should seriously sew my lips together.

"Want... Hmm... I think you need it though."

I can't believe he just said that. No ones ever used my phrases to get back at me before. Wait a minute, he used to do that all the time...

I sighed in deep frustration and anger, putting down my pencil and resting my head on my palms. Just thinking about going to this party started up that grabby feeling in my stomach again.

He stopped filing up the glass. It feels like it's never empty with him in here.

///Twelve's POV//

That was weird. That was really, really, weird.

When he sighed like that, looks like that.... It brought back... Maybe a dream I had I forgotten about?

There was a dark room, with only one crappy lamp that gave off a green hue. It's just concrete, everywhere. No furniture, no nothing. Just me, and a young kid. 11-12, maybe? He was... Stressed. Figuring out... A map? Yea... It has a bunch of red, blue and green arrows on it. And then, he finally got it... It? And he said to follow me... And I got a quick glance at his face. He looks a lot like... Nine?...

Wow. Freaky dream.

I decided to let this one go. I've been letting everything go, but I don't know how in the hell in going to get him to go anywhere, not yet. "Well... Okay. I won't force you" I said, breaking the tense silence I created. I didn't speak to him for the rest of the day.

Which made me really sad. I feel like I'm already giving up on him. Why is that?

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