Chapter 10- How Is It December?

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Time, time is such a funny thing. It goes by so slow yet so fast when you are doing nothing, and even faster than the speed of light when you are doing something.

It's December. December 24th

Yea, i probably should've said stuff on Thanksgiving but, Twelve was gone with his family, and I just did homework all day and ate my leftover salad from that day before. Nothing really fun about that.
But the stuff after that.... Like that time the sports team made a huge fool out of me again but it wouldn't of been as bad if Twelve almost saw it happening the day before I had 5 tests.... Oh and when I suddenly realized I was asking Twelve something that had nothing to do with school and I didn't talk to him for 3 1/2 days after that.... But that's all boring. You've probably have heard of many stories just like this one, all the same boring nothing really exciting happening typical boring  shit going down...

But I know today will be much more eventful. Hopefully, if you're not already bored.

I know today at least won't be boring, because Twelve is heading off to another party. He always has so many stories to tell after them.

I'm suprised he still goes to parties, since I got beaten to a pulp at one of them. Thank god he's stopped inviting me to them though.

Twelve isn't leaving until noon tommorow, that's why he's here and not with his family. His family wanted him to have fun with his friends first.

Well, he's not here anymore, he's probably in his car. I think now would be a good time to go for another walk. Sorry, more boredom, more me blabbing about necessities needed to function as a human but it's all boring. Ugh sorry be right back.


I'm sorry but that was the perfect time to go for a walk. It was sunset, and it had finally stopped snowing so you could see all the beautiful colors. The breeze was also good, chilling to the bone... Yea I know I said I preferred heat but I think I've changed my mind. Or maybe I just don't really care.

Twelve didn't come back until 1 am. I left the lights on by accident, so he knew I was awake.

Woah... Is that alcohol I smell?

"Hey Nine!" He said weakly, turning off the light, wobbling towards his bed and laughing his ass off. Yea, he's drunk... HOLY SHIT HES DRUNK??!!

"Twelve? Did you drink at that party?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. I wanted to see if he would lie to me too.

"Iiiii.. May have had a shot or two" he responded, and laughed his ass of again. Thank god he kept his honesty( I know I keep saying god but what else is there to say?)

"Twelve?! You drove home too?"

"Yea of course! Why not?!"

"Twelve that's illegal! You're only 18, and you couldn't be gotten in a fatal car acci-"

"Shhhhhhh. Relaaaax. I'm here. Aren't I? You always worry wayyyy too much. Especially for that English exam, geez. You just wouldn't shut up! Or was that Michael... Hey, come here!" He said, patting his hand next to him. No. No way.

I just stared at him. I can't believe he actually drank tonight. He never drinks.

"Come on niinnee, or I'll go over theeeerrrreee"

No way in hell. I'm not letting that smell get drenched in my bedsheets.

I got up and gently sat down next to him, when he suddenly grabbed my shoulder and laid me on my back.

"Twelve, what are you-"

"Shhhhhhhhh" he hushed, staring to curl up in a fetus position right next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. Why is he so warm? He was just outside-

"Nine... I... I gotta tell you something" his entire demeanor changed, from bubbly and happy to sad and serious. It made me scared a little bit, even though I know mood swings are common when you're drunk.

"O-okay" I said softly. What does he want to tell me? Does he actually want to tell me, or is his drunk mind telling him to?

It grew way too silent, for way too long. I eventually looked down at Twelve, and barely saw that his eyes were closed. I looked back up at the ceiling. I guess he-

"I... I love you."

Wait... Love? As in...

No no no. Nooooo wayyy. There's no way that he's... Is he bi? Maybe? Oh my god you IDIOT HE COULDVE JUST MEANT AS GOOD FREINDS!!!

So so sorry about that. I'm not against bi's or gay's or anything at all it's just... He doesn't seem like that kind of guy at all. I wouldn't care if he really is but... In love with me? That's ridiculous. I'm all dark and weird and he's so happy and not weird in the slightest.

Plus I'd just hurt him again... I've already made up that I hurt everyone... Fucking shit Sorry, I'm going too far again.

I really, really wanted to ask him what he meant by love, but it... wouldn't be a good idea. His mind is probably making up a bunch of nonsense or mistook me for someone else... He probably won't remember this happened anyway.

I also really, really, really want to get back into my own bed, but Twelve seems so comfortable, so peaceful right now, and I don't want to disturb that. Why the hell does my heart feel warmer... And my stomach is tingling so much... But I'm not anxious, am I?

Oh no... I must've... No. One incident can't confirm that. I've gotta wait and see, oh god I really hope it's not... He doesn't deserve that. He deserves someone so much better... Sorry. I'm trailing off so much, let's just end it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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