Chaphter 7- College Kidz

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I'm already sensing that this will be major cringe.

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When we got there, it was jam packed. And I mean jam packed. With people. In all sorts of stupid and huge and slightly risky costumes. I'm glad I'm at least wearing some costume.

It also already stunk. It smells like sweat drenched with alcohol. Or maybe even sewer water got dumped in here, I can't tell the difference.  It was really revolting, I almost started gagging. I wanted to leave, but I know Twelve will just drag me back in. That knot feeling, well, if you're curious, it's been here since the car ride, but it's much more intense now.

Twelve suddenly started to run off. "Go have some fun Nine!" He shouted at me. I stood there, completely frozen, unsure of what to do.

I decided I had to look for a spot where I could just be alone. The couch? No, people could sit there... (duh) Oh! That corner is perfect. It's just the distance away so I could be alone, but it would look like I'm talking to a bunch of people.

I quickly pushed through the crowd to get to that spot. It really was perfect.

This was when I realized I forgot my phone at the dorm.

Agh shit, now what do I do?

I smoothly and lightly held onto my stomach to try to get that knot to loosen, when I  saw Twelve, pointing at me, and all of his friends were staring at me. I knew it was destined that they would walk over here. Great.

They also, but much more rudely, pushed through the crowd to get to this corner. They all had ginormous drunk grins planted on their faces, except for Twelve... And that girl...

"Nine. Meet Jake, John, Micheal, Stephanie, and Lisa" Twelve said. I shook hands with each one... Lisa... She looks really familiar...

Oh yea. I remember her now. She was the first girl I saw recording me, laughing her ass off. Now she's acting all innocent and friendly. God do people suck.

I shook her hand very briefly, giving her a genuine blank expression . I didn't want to come across as fake to people for no reason. She thankfully didn't react to it very much, and only smiled back at me.

"Don't you guys love his costume? I picked it out!" Twelve exclaimed, trying to get a conversation going. It easily worked.

"Yea, it really shows how lazy you are Twelve" Stephanie said.

"Ooooooohhh burrrrrnnn" Micheal replied, and everyone laughed but me. Then I just... Zoned out...

It's really hot in here... Way too hot... But I prefer being hot instead of cold, it's always cold everywhere I go... It was really cold on a night...

Twelve stopped my train of thought, taking off my glasses and running off. I followed him, oh god I shouldn't have, I can't see for shit!

I knew it was bound to happen, but I tripped over someone's foot. More laugher filled up the room, when I quickly got up and apologized to her... Him? I can't tell through the blur.

"God, you just can't stop trippin. How much acid have you been using?" He asked (the voice is really deep), and more giggles from the blurs next to him followed. "What?" I responded, completely dumbfounded. Why would he assume I use drugs?

"Wow, I guess you're not a smartass after all. ACID IS DRUGS, YOU DUMBASS! YOUVE CLEARLY BEEN USIN EM!" He shouted right in my face. "I... I don't do drugs" I quietly said back, not really sure what else to say.

He suddenly grabbed my sweatshirt collar and pulled me close to him. Does everyone seriously stink like rotten cheese?

"WHY YOU LYIN?! PEOPLE DONT LIKE LIARS YOU KNOW!" He shouted right in my face. That got some people's attention... Shit..

"I'm not lyi-"


"I don't do them!" I said a little louder. I hate fights. Hate them with a passion.

"Well... I guess that would make more sense. You were just born looking that disgusting" and with that, he pushed me to the floor, getting a lot more people's attention.

please please please don't do this to-

I tried getting up, but he sat right on my stomach. He's really heavy too... Shit! Twelve can't see this!

"How bout I fix it up for ya, huh?" He grinned viciously. As you can guess, and as I predicted, before I could respond to what he said, he punched me, God knows how many times.

/// //

I suddenly heard a muffled but loud sound I couldn't distinguish and a chant promoting a fight from the other room. I hate seeing people fight. Usually I would just ignore it but... I realized Nine wasn't right behind me anymore.

I pushed through the crowd, and I saw Nine, being beaten to a pulp. He wasn't even fighting back, his hands were completely relaxed by his side. He almost looked prepared for this. A bunch of people we laughing, recording him, and continuing the chant.


It made me feel sick.

"NINE!" I shouted through them, running to his side and grabbing the punching fist.

"Come on kid! Don't ruin the party!" The guy on top of Nine shouted at me. Complete fury flew through my veins.


"Oh he's done some shit. Just being here even"


"Why? Hes an ass to me! He's nothing but a worthless druggie!"


"See, you can't even go against that he's worthless!"

I got a glance at Nine, and he just looked at me in terror. I could tell, even though his mouth was strait and his weary eyes were plainly open, telling me, no, screaming at me that I should give up and let this happen. No way in hell im doing that.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down a little. "He is not worthless. No one is. Everyone has worth on this earth! Everyone! It comes in all different shapes and forms! I wish you could see that! I wish all of you could see that!"

Finally, Jake (my friend hosting the party) got that douche off of Nine and told him to leave. I think the only reason he paid attention to this fight was becasue of me. He doesn't care about fights either.

Nine looked terrible. He was hurled over, gagging for air. He was facing towards me, so I got an okay glance at his beaten face. I would've been able to get a fuller examination of these lights weren't so damn dim.

There are so many cuts and bruises, one of the cuts on his forehead looks really bad..., one of his cheeks is completely swollen, and he's already forming a black eye. Good thing I took his glasses off...

I put them back on his face, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work at all.

I stood up and offered a hand to help him get up, but he ignored it, and wobbled his way up and almost fell over. I caught him just in time though... Geez, he's lighter than I thought he was... God there's so many eyes on us...

"Jake. We're leaving. I'll see you soon." I said, and with that, I helped Nine push through the completely awestruck crowd. Nine didn't try to refuse me this time, as I felt him lean more and more on me with every step we took. I wanted to apologize. So badly. But... I'll wait till we're out of here.

Yep. Definitely cringe.

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