Chapter 4- Pointless

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\\Nine's POV\\\

Already, one week has became 2.

It's finally getting easier to stay away from people. They have all given up on me, as usual... Except for Twelve, of course.

stated plainly: Yesterday was really, really bad. Twelve invited two of his new friends over, without telling me first. I panicked so much that I just left the room with my journal and black pen without saying a word, walking to the park about a block from here, sitting on a bench, and wrote and doodled like an idiot for a total of 4 hours.

When I came back, he was pissed at me. He was pissed at me, for being rude to his friends. I wanted to loose my shit so bad, but I kept it together, staying silent the entire time. I kept it together because I've already lost it infront of him before, not here, in this room, but-

He just kept bickering... I covered my ears with a pillow, but he still didn't shut up. He kept nagging at me becasue he wanted to hear my opinion on all of this. He wanted me to be more open to people, for better mental health. Two freaking weeks after knowing me, he's already saying all this bull crap.

What he doesn't ,shouldnt, and never will know hopefully what am I saying I can keep secrets, is that I really don't deserve a better mental health state. He also doesn't know about that tight feeling in my stomach whenever I have a conversation longer than 2 minutes. I'd much prefer he didn't know. I'd prefer that he didn't know my name.

Why the hell won't this kid give up? Does he remember me, and is just not saying anything? He shouldn't have remembered me. That news report said that shot erased everything... God flipping damnit I keep saying too much... I guess you people really like pointless life stories too... I get it, they're addicting as fuck.

Today was calmer though, and he hasn't said anything to me yet. I finished my homework, so I'm scrolling through safari on my phone, looking for jobs close to here. I had to quit my other ones because they were all too far away.

I could hear Twelve grunting.... So much. No no no not that type of grunt, that grunt when you're really stressed! Ugh damn innuendos...

But it started to bother me. A lot. I don't know why everything he does bothers me to the point that I have to try to get him to stop. Does he know that?

Geez... why am I so obsessed with knowledge?

I looked up at him, and I saw him staring at a sheet of paper. Must be homework or something.

I wanted to shut him up, so I practically stormed over there and looked at what he was doing. It was so simple, calculus. I grabbed his pencil out of his hand and went strait to work, already trying to copy his writing style by looking at the previous problems.

"H-hey! What are you doing?" He asked. I kept ignoring him, solving  the problems. Each one took me about 30 seconds.

Twelve finnaly stopped trying to stop me, and instead stared in aw as I kept flying through the problems, mimicking his handwriting as I go.

I got to the last problem, and set the pencil down gently. "Wow... How did you do that?" He asked. I ignored him, and walked back over to my bed.

"Nine... That was amazing! I've never seen anyone solve such complicated problems like that so fast!"

"It's not complicated" Ah shit, I shouldn't of said that.

"It is to me! You gotta teach me it!"

I don't know why, but I was intrigued to teach him. Usually I just do the homework, but I don't teach. I've been curious on what it's like to teach, especially on a subject I actually enjoy.

Maybe this could make up for what I did in the past... Wow did I seriously actually think for a second that something as pointless as this would make something like that forgivable?

I reluctantly walked back over to him, and one by one, I slowly explained the formulas, and how each problem was solved, and why it's solved like that.

Twelve was completely amazed by it. He said I teached way better than his professor. I slipped out a slight giggle at the stupidity of that, no one could really teach better than a teacher.

"OH MY GOD YOU CAN ACTUALLY SMILE??!!!!" He said in response to my smile, and I felt blood rush to my cheeks.

Twelve started laughing hysterically, and I didn't know how to respond. I just stood there, letting my eyes widen and my face turn into a tomato untill he finally calmed down. His smile is still so huge...

"So, you like math, huh. What type of math do you like most?" He said after he calmed.

"Uh... Physics" I replied, although I probably really shouldn't of. This led to series of other questions, and at the end my stomach turned into a complete rubber ball. Thank god we only spoke about academics, or else I probably would've  thrown up.

It was 10:30pm, and I was really tired. I told Twelve that, so I plopped back onto my bed and fell asleep almost immediately, forgetting to take my glasses off.

Wow. All of that sounded so pointless. Sorry about that. I guess I do talk about unnecessary crap.

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