Chapter Six- Dumb Jokes

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Well... I wasn't expecting time to fly by this fast.

It's October. The end of October to be exact. October 31st. First term finals are in a week, and I've already been internally panicking for them since the beginning of this month.

Today, well, It's wasn't horrible but, not the best. I've definately experienced worse.

Those "cool guys" from this sports team (I already forgot which one, just shows how much I actually care about other people's interests) decided it would be real fun to pull a Halloween prank on me. Honestly, what's so fun about pranks anymore?

I sat down at my lunch table, doing my school work instead of eating as usual, when I suddenly felt something hard plop on my back, followed by it becoming goopy and soft. I quickly reached back at it and then looked at my hand... It was an egg thrown at me.

What Twelve had been dying to try out since he saw one of the older people eating some. The person... Was that guy even a person? Wouldn't stop saying how good they were, which made Twelve non stop complain about how he wanted that instead of a rotten piece of toast every morning. He's probably had a bunch of eggs by now.

I had to quickly push away the thought that they knew about that. It was a possibility, since I've probably written it in one of my journals... But they're in a locked box! Did they break the box, or maybe Twelve stole my key from my pocket and showed it to them... If he did that I sware to God-

Sorry... Back to the point. I suddenly felt more eggs crack on my back. 2, 3, 4, 5... It just kept going. How many people were throwing eggs at me? I wanted to look back and see, but I knew that would result in one getting thrown at my face.

I suddenly felt the goopy substance enter the top part of my hair. It made me so startled, that I quickly stood up and tried to walk backwards, but I forgot there was a seat back there, so tripped onto the hard and sloppy floor. The entire room... And I mean the entire room, was filled with laughter.

This made me suddenly realize why these guys chose eggs to use. A couple weeks ago, during animal biology and ecology, the teacher asked if she could eat while teaching since she couldn't eat at home. We let her, and she was eating scrambled eggs from a plastic container. Before I knew it, I was murmuring to myself all the nutrients in those things (there's a lot), since I knew that was on an upcoming test, and I guess one of those guys heard me. This made me feel more slightly relived, however, that this was the more likely reasoning for eggs to be thrown.

That same guy in my class is leaning over me now, with a ginormous grin planted on his face. "Who's the smartass now? Aren't you scared of not being the smartest?" He said. His breath smelt like fish mixed with rotten cheese.

I didn't really know how to respond, and suddenly felt a pissed off feeling grow in my heart, since I realized I might miss my last class if I go back to my dorm and change. However fear was the main feeling essentially overwhelming my heart.

Of course it wasn't at the really idiotic and meaningless words he said, but it was at the stares. The laughter. This certainly wasn't the first time people stared and laughed at me this year but... It just felt way more intense today.

I crawled back a little on my elbows and stood up, not looking at anyone, but at the yellow mess they created just to 'humiliate' me.

I started grabbing all of my things, probably messing them up with egg yolk, and I stared to walk, no, run, out of the cafeteria, past all the laughs and phones pointed at my direction. I was suprised I didn't slip and fall again, since my shoes were slimy too. "HAPPY HALLOWEEN SMARTASS!!" I heard a bunch of people shout as I ran in the hallway.

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