4: Lockser

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Lucy hummed as she looked out at the glimmering stars; there were only a selected few that stood out since the sky was mostly clear.

She stared at the sky in deep thought, as she rested her head on the palms of her hands. She wasn't going to deny that she liked Natsu. Lucy admired Natsu, and looked up to him.

Lucy stood up from her queen sized bed, and looked at her reflection in the mirror with a determined look. She was going to get Natsu Dragneel to like her.



"Oi, Natsu!" Gray whisper yelled into Natsu's ear. Despite his sharp hearing sense, Natsu managed to block out Gray's voice.

"Shut the hell up." He muttered as he rolled over on his side to avoid Gray's whispering.

"Just wake up! I need advice!" Gray pleaded. He clasped both his hands together as he hoped Natsu would wake up from his deep slumber.

"THAT'S IT!" Gray yelled, "NO MORE MR.NICE GUY!" He furiously yanked the blankets off Natsu, picked Natsu up from his bed and threw him on the wooden floor.

Natsu landed on his bottom, with a loud thud! He lifted his head up and smirked, "Jokes on you, that didn't even hurt. And you're lucky I slept with pants on!" 

Gray ripped his shirt off in frustration and glared at him, "LISTEN YOU TABASCO IDIOT," he started but soon averted his eyes and blushed a shade of salmon.

"What?" Natsu asked, "What is it?"

"Look I, I-I met this girl at a cafe. She works there, and she's really-" Gray awkwardly scratched his ear, not knowing what to say.

"Cute?" Natsu guessed, in a monotone voice.

Gray nodded his head a fast speed, "But I don't know what to do. She started flirting with me-,"

"Flirting with you?" Natsu burst out laughing, "Please, you can't even turn on an oven."

Gray rolled his eyes, "Shut up. Help me out, you dated a bunch of girls in high school."

Natsu's eyebrows lifted up, "So did you, prick. Anyways, I didn't date that many. "

"Yeah, but I've never asked a girl out." Gray shamefully admitted, "So I was wondering if you could..." he trailed off.

"Could WHAT?" Natsu impatiently yelled not wanting to play the guessing game with Gray.

"Help a brother out." Gray whispered.

Natsu puckered his lips together, "OH!" he dramatically realized. He nodded his head at his own advice that he was thinking of, "Well Gray what you want to do is GET OFF YOUR BUTT, WALK OVER TO WHOEVER THIS GIRL IS, GROW A PAIR AND ASK HER OUT!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Gray whined, "I can't ask the others because I'm too embarrassed to ask."

"Why not hang out with Lucy and me today? If you help me, I'll help you. Just take note of my moves." Natsu imagined Lucy in front of him, so he blew a pretend kiss towards her. In reality, Gray was in front of him, and he quickly dodged it by lunging to his right side as fast as possible.

"But I'll just be third wheeling." Gray complained.

"Do you want my help or not?"

"Fine. But if the both of you start making out, I'm out."

Natsu could only wish.


"Lu-cy!" Natsu stretched out her name, as he happily ran towards her with open arms.

"Hey." Lucy grinned and sent a small wave towards his way. She ended up not returning his inviting hug, so Natsu had no choice but to awkwardly shove his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.

"Nice." Gray tsked.

Lucy made eye contact with Gray and she politely smiled at him, "Hi."

"Hi 'Luce'." Gray smirked, "So you're Natsu's girlfriend?"

"What?" Lucy was both confused and blushing.

"Well Natsu told me that the both of you were dating, so I just came along today to meet his future wif-," The rest of Gray's words came out muffled, as Natsu clamped his hands over Gray's mouth and dragged him away, a couple feet from Lucy.

"Give us a moment, Luce." Natsu smiled with his eyes closed.

He quickly whipped his head around, and shot Gray a glare, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" He yelled through gritted teeth.

"I'm trying to help you out! Your 'moves' aren't working, so I decided to help you out! You need it more than I do!" Gray whispered, as he looked behind Natsu's shoulder. Lucy was spacing out and staring at the snow beneath her brown ankle leather boots.

"Well I don't NEED your help." Both of them walked back to Lucy.

"Let's go to a cafe Lucy!" Natsu grinned. He wrapped an arm around Lucy and both of them walked over to a nearby cafe.

Gray was trailing right behind them, mentally taking notes. That's bold, even for Natsu, he thought.



"... and then I tripped and fell on my face." Lucy laughed as she told Natsu about how she fell down the stairs the morning before.

He stared at Lucy with a small grin as he payed attention to her soft rosy red lips and pearly white teeth.

"What can I get for you today?" The tall waitress asked as she grabbed her pen from her pocket to jot their orders down. She glanced up and stopped to stare at Lucy for a moment.

"Lucy? Lucy Heartfilia?"

Natsu stayed quiet, but a spark blew inside his head as he glanced Lucy. The last name gave it away, and he now knew who she was. He pretended to be dense and stared out the window. 

"Juvia!" Lucy grinned.

Juvia gave a small smile, but seemed slightly frightened of Lucy. "H-How are you?" she asked. 

"I'm fine," Lucy shrugged, "How have you been? I haven't seen you in months!" They weren't exactly friends, but they did know each other since they were old classmates at school. 

Juvia gulped and tugged on her navy collared shirt, "G-Good! Well anyways what can I get a-all of you today?" She was oblivious of the stares she was receiving from Gray, and didn't notice him since she focused on Lucy.

"A cupcake and a small hot chocolate." Lucy asked.

"I'll get what she's getting, but about five more of those." Natsu nodded and patted his stomach.

Gray stared at the waitress with slightly wide eyes and red cheeks.

"Gray!" Natsu's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.


"What would you like?" The waitress repeated herself. She didn't even bother to look up and locked her eyes on her small notepad.

'You, and for to go.' Gray wished to say, but instead he squeaked out, "Just a coffee."

The waitress nodded and walked away, with her long blue curls bouncing with each step she took in her white pumps.

"Both of you know each other?!" Gray asked Lucy. 

Lucy nodded her head, "Yeah, that's Juvia Lockser." 


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