Day 2

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Wendys POV

Me, Romeo, Gray and Juvia are at the beach again. not with the orphans becuase we are having a day off. it was really peaceful. lots of people were here playing in the sand and in the ocean and everything was just super fun.

Romeos POV

right now i'm in the water with juvia who was using magic and we were splashing each other and she was showing off because she was able to dodge my attacks. it was funny but annoying.

Grays POV

i was with wendy thowing a ball the orphans gave us and played bomb. and if one of us drops the ball then we have to use less limbs to try and catch the ball.

Juvias POV

i kept on dodging romeos splashes untill he stopped and looked at the sky. which made me look at the sky. all the birds were flying away from the sea me and romeo backed away slowly and then the ground shook people were screaming and running. when i looked back at the ocean and a huge wave came rushicng by.

'GUYS RUN!' i screamed and they did. i stood there i was going to stop it but i knew i wasn't that strong to stop a tsunami becuase it hit me in seconds. i could feel wood and all sorts stab in my body. i screamed loud. i tried to use my magic to try and block the objects shooting at me but it was too much of a rush. i then felt a plank of wood stab in my leg whislt i tried to merg from the water. the more blood i lost the more weaker i got i just had to go through the pain of being atacked by the water and objects shooting in and past me.

i tried my best to swim up and i did eventually and i grabbed on the tree. i looked around and saw water everywhere. i screamed for help but i kne there was no chance on getting help.


Romeos POV

i got caught by the water. i felt like i died when i got snached from the surface. i was defend by somthing that hit my ear. i then felt my body get dragged down but i tired my best to fight the dragging and forcerd myself to the surface.

i finally made it to the surface and i couldn't grab anthing to be safe untill i heard a scream...a womans scream.

'HELP!' i screamed i kept screaming that word but the womans scream kept on repeating aswell.

when i got closer to the screaming i found out it was Juvia.

'JUVIA!...JUVIA!' i screamed and it got juvias attention.

'ROMEO!' she screamed back. we then tried to reach each other which took while but we grabbed hands.

we found a huge piece of wood and juvia put me on it. it was like the end of the titanic and juvia was in jacks position and i was in roses.

[right this bit is going to sound really identical to the impossible]

the water calmed down and it was silent. well we could hear faint screams but it was nowhere near us.

'J-Juvia' i shook. 'i-i'm scared' i cried and juvia held my arm.

'i'm scared too' she replied back. i never thought i would hear juvia say that. shes grown to love water which everyone spoke about. but i don't blame her.

'look theres an ally place...there might be saftey over there' i said. and juvia weakly turned her head and nodded. we both swam over to the ally and felt the ground. we were now able to walk well limp.

we saw dead animals as we limped past them. i looked at juvia who was infront and her thigh was deeply sliced. and flesh was hanging from the back of juvias knee.

'Juvia your' she turned around and her arms were badly cut but nothing like the back of her legs. she looked down and sighed.

'come on...don't worry, i'm fine' the water mage lied. i knew she was lying. the pain in her voice said so.


we finally made in to flat surface and the water was lower. and then we heard a child scream.

'did you hear that?' i asked romeo. and he just ignored me. but the screams carried on.

'romeo we need to help that child' i said and he kept on walking.

'juvia we can't...we will die otherwise...becuase we don't know if another wave will come!' he snapped. but i could hear the child scream again when we walked closer towards it.

'WHERE ARE YOU!' i screamed and i limped faster to the screams. 'WHERE ARE YOU!' i said. and the child screamed agian. i saw Hatro on the muddy water stuck under a pile of logs.

'HATRO!' I panicked.


'ROMEO SHUT UP..HELP JUVIA TO HELP HATRO' i tried to shout. but my voice was weak. but romeo helped free hatro.

'where should we go?' romeo asked and hatro looked around.

'here that's big...if we could climb it we'll be safe' hatro suggested and me and romeo nodded.

'yes thats perfect...come on' i said. and the three of us walked towards the tree.

climbing the tree like this is hard becuase of all my wounds.

'you need help juvia?' romeo asked. i shook my head and carried on to truggle climbing.

'Juvia let me help you'

'ROMEO I CAN DO IT' i weakly jumped for a vine and tried so much to climb but i just fell back in the water.

'come on...climb' romeo said lowering his arms so i could hold them. Hatro was holding his legs so Romeo wouldn't fall in with me. i grabbed his arms tight and the two boys tried their best to lift me up.

it was really painful becuase i could feel my wound on my waist tearing deeper which made me scream. but eventually i was up on a tree and i hooked onto a thick branch and i breathed heavily.

the boys looked at me worrying and i weakly smiled.

'don't will come soon' i whisperd able to reach my hand to romeo and the other to Hatro. we all held hands and just waited for help...if it was coming.


yeah i copyed most features from the impossible becuase i couldn't really think of what to write.

but i hope you liked it. it was quite emotional i think anyway.

Grays POV next.

thanks for reading guys :) 

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