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the hospital is all stuffy and cramped. Hatro is sitting by juvia holding her hand. sleeping. and i'm sitting on the other side holding juvias other hand. i'm so scared. i keep hoping gray and Wendy are still alive but i feel like they didn't make it. 

'r-ro-romeo' i heard Juvia whisper my name


'how bad do i look?' she asked. honestly she looked awful. she had a deep wound on her thigh where her guild mark was. her chest was sewn together shut. her skin was a pale blue. one of her legs were out of place. 

'you look fine Juvia' i only lied becuase i didn't want her getting worried and thinking negative things. 

Juvia turned her head to a woman who looked just as bad. she was still like a statue. just staring at the ceiling.

'hi...i-i'm Juvia' the woman didn't say anything. i dont think she can hear. 

juvia kept on trying to speak the the woman but then Juvia started choking. 

'Juvia are you okay? i said in a worried voice. she kept on coghing and nasty crap kept coming out her mouth. Hatro was woken up by the coughing. juvia then stopped breathing but kept on coughing. 

'JUVIA STOP IT!' hatro screamed with fear. juvia then put her hand in her mouth and staopped breathing again. me and hatro looked away but when i looked back juvia and the doctors were pulling a long string thing out of her mouth. i then looked away again. 

when i looked back juvia took a deep breath and was holding a long piece of string.  and fainted. the dctors quickly picked up her bed and walked fast somwhere. 

'HEY WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HER!' i shouted but they ignored me. 'I'M TALKING TO YOU. WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HER!' they still ignored me and they disapeared down the hall. i wanted to chase after them but a lady grabbed my shoulder. 

'i'm sorry but they have taken her to surgery, she is really bad' the nurse said. 

' i need to be with her. we need to be with her. we are all she has' i said crying. 

'i am sorry. but don't panic, she will be okay. i promise' the nurse took me and Hatro to a child waiting room. so we could wait for juvia. 


its dark. cold and water is everywhere. me and wendy have been walking for hours and still haven't found Juvia and Romeo. 

'gray look this road is dry' Wendy said and i followed her to the road. i wish i could use my magic right now but i'm still too weak. not even wendy can heal her wounds or mine. 

it wasn't long until we could see lights from a car. i walked towards the lights and the car stopped so suddenly. 

'can we help you sir' a man asked. they haven't been attacked by the tsunami. they must have known about it so they were able to protect themselves. 

'help us. we need help' i said in pain and they let me and wendy in the car. 


they drove us to a small cabin. and let us warm up. 

'lucky ya know' a girl said. 

'huh?' i asked. 

'that your still standing. your lucky' 

'oh...yeah i guess' i said and i looked at the girl and her eyes were starstruck. 

'are you gray fullbuster from the guild Fairy tail?' the girl asked. and i nodded. 


'i'm Layla. i'm a wizard too. i don't go to a guild but i am a wizard' i chuckled with relife. 

'really...what powers do you posses' i asked. 

'um...i have plant magic' she replied. 

'i know someone who has that. his name is in the team-'

'shadow gear i know. he inspired me to have plant magic. i met them when i was younger when they came over and i practiced it over and over' i chuckled when she interupted me. 

'do you have a lacrima so i could call the guild. i need to tell them' i said and she ran to go get one. 

'here. it lasts for about an hour everytime you call' 

'thank you' .....'call the Fairy tail Guild' i spoke and it rung........'

'yes hello...who is it' 

'gramps...its me...its gray' 


'wendys with me...shes fine-' 

'GRAY!' i then heard maccaows voice 'GRAY!...WHERES ROMEO IS HE SAFE. WHERE IS HE?' hearing that question made me burst into tears. 

'i--i don't know. i'm sorry. the water just appeard and then...then i woke up somehwere far. i don't Know where Juvia or Romeo have gone..i--i--i'm so sorry' i could hear maccow crying which made me cry even more. i looked around and saw the others crying. 

'i'm not giving up on finding them. i have faith that they are alive. they are both Fairy tail wizards. they will not give up. not yet. i'm going to look everywhere no matter how long it takes. i'm coming back home with us all together. i promise' i sobbed. 

'please gray...find them' maccow said 

'promise' i replied. and the lacrima hung up. i looked up at the guys. 

'i need your car. to find them' i said 

'wait!...we'll come with you' everone got up and we walked towards the car. 

we're coming guys. i promise i will find you. 

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