Chapter 9: The Past And The Date

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Name: messaging with someone

Place and/or time


Outside the Giglio Nero Mansion

When Aria, Yuni, Tsuna and Amaya were almost outside the Giglio Nero Tsuna woke up and saw Amaya's head on his shoulder and sleeping. He blushed a bit and saw that his injuries were healed.

'I guess she healed my injuries and got tired.' Thought Tsuna.

"We're here." Said Aria as she and Yuni got out of the car. Tsuna didn't want to wake her up so he carried her bridal style and after they went inside the mansion Tsuna took her to their room and placed her on her bed. He took out his pocket watch and saw that it was 3 P.M. Tsuna took out his laptop and started to hack Nightmare's messages.

After an hour Amaya woke up and saw Tsuna on his laptop.

"What are you doing?" Asked Amaya.

"Hacking." Said Tsuna.

Before she could ask what he was hacking Aria came in.

"Ah you're awake!" She said happily. "Can you two follow me? The others wanted to ask some questions."

Tsuna and Amaya followed her to a room. When they entered all of the arcobaleno were there. Tsuna and Amaya sat down.

"Amaya, are you the daughter of the boss of the Destra Family, Destra Antonio?" Asked Reborn.

"I wouldn't call them my family and I certainly wouldn't call him as my father." Said Amaya full of hate showing a lot of KI.

"Why?" Asked Aria.

"He used to torture me because I wasn't a boy and wasn't strong. When he finally got sick of torturing with me he sold me to the Estraneo Family." Said Amaya shivering a bit. Tsuna put his hand on her shoulder to calm her.

"That explains why he said you disappeared." Said Reborn shadowing his eyes with his fedora.

"And Tsuna, are you the son of the boss of CEDEF, Iemitsu Sawada." Asked Reborn ignoring Amaya for now.

"Like he ever considered me as is son." Said Tsuna his voice full of hate and showing a bit of KI.

"What do you mean?" Asked Reborn.

Flashback (The next day after chapter 1)

Nana and Yuki went to get more groceries and Nono went back to Italy. Iemitsu decided to stay for an another day.

"Dad can we play?" Asked 3 year old Tsuna.

Iemitsu just had a sinister idea.

"Yes. Let's play." Said Iemitsu. They went to Tsuna's room.

"What game are we playing?" Asked Tsuna. But right after he finished saying it Iemitsu started to beat him up. When Iemitsu finished beating him up.

"Why dad?" Asked Tsuna weakly.

"Don't call me Dad." Spat Iemitsu. "Your week. You will just get in Yuki's way. I never wanted you anyways." And Iemitsu left Tsuna.

Flashback Ends

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