Everyone Can Come

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@blobbish and me again. We have decided that @blizzabelle will be writing from Dallas' point of view, and @OfTheNight will be writing Luna's  P.O.V.

Enjoy the chapter :)

           I turned around slowly, seeing a boy that looked to be about fifteen. He was staring right at me, and I looked behind me to make sure he wasn’t talking to Luna or something, but she and Dallas were both to the left of me. The boy took a step forward. Now, I’m not much of an admirer when it comes to things like guys but…this guy was attractive. He had dark hair, which fell in the middle of his eyebrow. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I could tell they were a light color of something. He took a step towards us and I began to get nervous. My eyebrows shot up. Sarcastic defensive mode, activate.

            “Mate.” He repeated again. What the heck with that word? I remember Fay talking about it…in one of her werewolf speeches. Oh my gosh, this has to be a joke… so I started laughing. I laughed until I was rolling on the ground and gasping for air, and I still was having a hard time containing myself. I finally sat up, wiping tears from my eyes, and looked around. No one else was laughing. The twins each had an identical look of shock and excitement, Henry tightened his grip on Fay, not used to her being that excited over the another man, like the jealous over protective, possessive boyfriend he was, and Dallas looked confused. Her eyes were wide and she kept looking everywhere, stealing glances at the handsome stranger, then blushing and looking away.

"Someone want to explain all the soap opera looks of shock?" I questioned, feeling a little uneasy.

"Mate," Mr. Tall and Handsome repeated.

"Okay pal, why don't I go buy you a dictionary so you can learn some more words?" I asked.  He approached me, and I backed up using my elbows and feet, since I was still on the ground.

"Should've listened during my werewolf lectures," Fay chided me.

"No way," I stated.  "Werewolves aren't real.  Sorry Fido, but you're out of luck."  A growl came from the back of his throat, and I rolled my eyes.  I growled back at him menacingly, and he had the nerve to smirk.  "Okay Woofers, you want to go?" I challenged, standing.

Woofers decided to smirk once more.  "Gladly," he stated, and lifted my up over his shoulder.  I shrieked, pounding my fists into his back.  It didn't seem to faze him though, and all it did was hurt me.


"I will kick you in the throat," I threatened.  He chuckled and lifted my legs up higher so I couldn't kick him.  "I-I'll-" I attempted to come up with a new threat, but nothing came to mind.  I'm getting kidnapped.  Granted, I'm getting kidnapped by an extremely hot guy, but it's kidnapping nonetheless.

I groaned, becoming limp in his arms.  "Stranger danger," I muttered halfheartedly.

"Is she seriously giving up on not being kidnapped?" Henry questioned.

"Liddy?" Luna asked.

"Lidi-idi-osa?" Dallas walked up tentatively and nudged my arm.  As soon as Mr. Hot and Dangerous realized I wasn't resisting, his gripped loosened considerably.  I took that as an opportunity to get away, so I twisted out of his arms and hit the ground.  It didn't faze me though as I scrambled to my feet and started running.  Where, I wasn't sure, but I wanted away.

"LIDIA!" Fay screamed after me.  "COME BACK HERE AND ACCEPT YOUR MATE!"

"NEVER!" I screamed back at her.  "I'M A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED NO-" Fido shoved me up against a tree, so I shut up.

“Listen, mate,” he started. His breathe smelled like chocolate. Not something I would expect from a werewolf, “you are coming to meet my pack, okay?”

Your pack? Are you a king?” I asked, and I could hear Fay scoff.

Woofers smirked and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “I’m a beta, lovely. And, also, you have no choice. You’re coming to meet the pack,” he declared, and scooped my up again, throwing me over his shoulder as if I were nothing more than a rag doll.

“Hey! Fay! Wanna come?” I yelled.

“UH, YEAH,” she exclaimed and darted after me.

“I really don’t think-“ my supposed ‘mate’ went to say, but I wasn’t done.

“Luna, you too? And Dallas…Henry I guess could come.” I said. They all shrugged and started following us. I reached behind me and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I dialed and my older sister picked up on the third ring. “Christy! Yeah…no I…yes actually I am being kidnapped…nah its cool, he seems alright. Well, Fay, Luna, Dallas and Henry are following us…apparently my kidnappers a werewolf and…yes I said…yes you can come! Alright, were in the clearing in the woods…yes the one where we saw a snake- ya big baby get down here we’re going to meet werewolves. Yes…okay see you in a few,” I said and hung up. Fido kept walking, and I started humming.

“Are…are you okay Liddy?” Dallas asked tentatively.

“Yes, shoulder is my favorite way of travel,” I snapped. She gave me an “are you kidding me” look, but then kept walking.

“Are we theeerreee yeeeettt” I complained after about two minutes.

“What? No…it’s been like three-“ flea bag began to scold me, but I was quick to cut him off.

“I’m so BORED. When is Christy getting here? She didn’t believe I was being kidnapped,” I whined. Then, my red headed sister stepped out from the foliage. She looked my captor up and down, then nodded her approval and started following us.

“Fido, this is my sister, Chr-“

“Who’s Fido?”

“You are.”



“No, my name’s-


“What? No it’s Ash-“


“…you seriously think my name would be ash tray?”

I shrugged “I don’t know what werewolves names would be.”

“Well, my name is Asher.”

I slumped against him, “That’s no fun,” I complained.

“And Fido would have been fun?”

“No, it would’ve been ironic.”

Christy snapped us out of our bickering and waved at me. I waved back, then saw her jacket.

“Asher?” I asked

“Yes?” he said, sounding relieved I used his name.

“How do zippers work?”

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