The Parents

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Asher P.O.V.

            So, this day has been a little crazy. First my parents were driving me crazy, on my birthday, then I go on a run for some alone time, and I find my mate. I may have accidentally kidnapped her, but that’s beside the point now, she’s allowed to go home once she’s introduced to the pack. Of course I will be seeing her every day, but you get the gist. So now we’re outside my parent’s room. I found out that y beautiful mate’s name is Liddy…which is odd, but I could care less. I turn around to face her, and notice that all her friends have gone missing. I cringe imagining the trouble the small one could get into.

            “Don’t make that face. It’s nasty,” Liddy says to me.

            “I was thinking of your friends,” I explain.

            “Well excuse me,” she says. Yeah, I guess that didn’t come out right.

            “I meant I was thinking of the amount of trouble your friends can get into in here.”

            “Eh, they’re not that bad…why are we just standing outside a door? Is that door mahogany?” at this, she gasps, and shouts “Have you ever read The Hunger Games?”

            “We’re standing outside a door because I’m thinking, I’m not sure if it’s mahogany and quite frankly I don’t really care…the hungry what?”

            She slumps at my words, and stares at me with a blank expression. She lets out a puff of air, then turns back towards the door, then back at me, door, me, door.

            “Are we eventually going to see what’s behind this mystical door?” she groans. I sigh and nod, reaching for the handle. I hold my breath as I step inside, followed closely by Liddy.



            “Yes…” I reply to my mom’s voice, sitting down on a couch in what my parents like to call “the waiting room.”

            “Who’s with you? I heard two people come in,” she shouts, and I can hear her high heels clicking to their own hypnotic rhythm.

            “Uh…it’s my-“

            “I’M LIDDY,” my mate shouts, and I slap my forehead with my palm.

            “You brought in a girl?” mom shouts, enthused.

            “Yes I-“

            “IS IT YOUR MATE?!”

            “Yes she-“

            “OH MY GOODNESS ASHER!” she squeals, running in, her heals not missing a beat.

            “I’m Liddy,” my mate states, putting her hands on her hips and looking off into the distance.

            “Aren’t you just the cutest thing!”

            I can see Liddy falter, and she clears her throat. “Um…thank you…” she says, suddenly unsure of herself. I smile at her, but it quickly vanishes when my dad opens the door to his room.

            “Who is this?” he asks.

            “My mate,” I say back, just as monotone as him.

            “Why is she in here?”

            “I thought you might want to meet her.”

            At this, my father looks my mate up and down, and I step a bit closer to her.

            “She’s human,” he says matter-of-factly.

            “I know that.” I bite back, and Liddy is looking back and forth at whoever is talking.

            “And you don’t mind?”

            “No.” I state, looking him in the eye and throwing my arm across Liddy’s shoulder.

            “Well then…welcome Liddy,” he says, his face lighting up, and my and my mother’s jaw drops. My dad just smiled. He just…wow. I look over to me mate and smiled at her effect on my family.

            “You’re incredible,” I state, still looking right at her.  She blushes, and I take the time studying every freckle dotting her face, and memorize her sky-blue eyes.

            “Well you’re a werewolf,” she mumbles in response. I smirk and turn back towards my parents.

            “George, isn’t she just the cutest thing?” my mom squeals, grabbing onto my dad with her manicured nails. My dad just tilts his head and smiles down at my mother, and suddenly they are in their own little world. I sigh, hoping I can one day have the same relationship as my parents. I duck my head to whisper in my mate’s ear.

            “I think I should go introduce you to everyone else,” I say, and she nods. Without removing my arms from her shoulders, I lead the way to the living room.

Yosicle brosicles!

So that was Asher's point of view and


Okay carry on

Peace and werewolves,

Madison and others because they say hi too even if they wrote none of this.

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