Just Wandering

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It has really been awhile hasn't it. Well I have no excuse. But if you're reading this now, THANK YOU FOR STICKING WITH ME.

Okay well Dallas' P.O.V. was written by @blizzabelle woo!

            When we walked in, there was a plethora of growls coming my way. Asher slung his arm over my shoulder, and glared at everyone. They all got the message and went back to whatever it was they were doing in the first place. Asher led me straight through the kitchen, living room, and a game room, to a large master bedroom on one side of the first floor. He knocked twice, and then opened the door. I looked behind me and noticed that all my friends had dispersed.

Dallas P.O.V.

It honestly felt like we were on one of those prank shows. Werewolves? Come on, fairytales are not real. They can't be real... can they? I decide to wander off, knowing Fay will be busy freaking out and I think Liddy has more important matters to deal with at the moment. I'm not quite sure where Luna went either.

A small staircase lies before me, and what can I say? When you're curious, you're curious. I trot up the steps and find myself in a hallway with plenty of rooms on either side. I let out a small giggle, this place looks like a hotel... a hotel for dogs.

One of the doors catches my eye, it’s different from the others, with a small sign that says “do not disturb.” How welcoming. I find myself knocking lightly on the door, only to hear a growl that could make a child cry.

“C-can I come in?” I ask in a shaky voice. There is a moment of silence, but I finally receive an answer. “Fine.”

I open the door to find a werewolf that looks a couple years older than me lying in bed, his left hand clutching his gut. I slowly walk in, taking a seat in a chair next to the bed. The room was dark, the only light coming from a small window at the back. Even though it was gloomy and hard to see, you could still make out shapes and identify what they were. It was dead quiet too, not a sound except for the breathing of me and the boy laying in the bed.

“Hi,” I say and cross my legs. He had chestnut brown hair that was short but not too short, and dark brown eyes that blended in with his pupils. His eyes were mysterious, but very sad, almost as if he could cry at any second. His full lips were not curled up in a smile like I expected, but in a straight line.

“Hello, small child,” he said then clutched his stomach a bit harder in pain. The poor puppy looked as though he was punched in the gut.

“Are you sick?”



“I can't say.”

“Since when has sickness been a secret?”

“Since it became embarrassing to say what’s wrong.” All I could think was he must be constipated. Poor, poor werewolf.

“What is your name?”

“Luke,” he replies in a breathy voice. I notice his other hand is shaking, and whenever he speaks I can almost see the pain shoot through him. No, he is definitely not constipated. I don't know why, but I'm dying to know what happened to him.

“I'm only here for the day, I think, so why not tell me? It will make you feel better letting someone know.”

“I was rejected.”

“Aw, man, breakups are tough.” He lets a short laugh, stopping from pain I suppose. His eyebrows furrow in confusion and he looks up at me with those sad eyes that now hold curiosity like mine.

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