Chapter 17

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I woke up the next day with a cold. It was awful. I had a major headache, a sore throat, and horrible cough. I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from Lou. "Good morning beautiful, I hope you slept well. Would you like to go for a stroll in the park today? Text me when you wake up and we'll plan a day together. XO". I smiled reading the message and started typing my response. "Good morning sweet Lou-Bear, but I think I'm gonna stay home, I woke up with a cold so I think I'm just gonna relax in bed. But I would love that stroll in the park when I feel better. XO".

Almost immediately he sends me a message back asking about if I needed anything and I told him no. I managed to get out of bed and make my way down stairs to find that Penelope was gone for the day. I grabbed a coffee cup and made some fresh warm tea and honey for my throat. Once I finished my tea I went back up to my room and gathered my clothes for a shower. I dressed in just an oversized shirt and underwear since I was alone. I made my way downstairs with my phone blanket and pillow to curl up on the couch and watch movies. While in the process of this my phone started ringing. It was Lou. "Hello?" Lou said" jeez did a gremlin come steal your beautiful voice?" I gave him a sarcastic laugh as he proceeded to say he was kidding. He asked me if I was home and as I told him yes he walked through my door. I jumped when I heard him come in holding my shirt down remembering that I'm only in my shirt and panties. Lou laughs and walks towards me. " I have a couple of things for you my dear. ". First he hands me a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. My favorite flower might I add. Then he proceeds to pull out soup and medicine for me along with Sprite and water. I smiled and hugged him. "Lou, let's cuddle, please?" He laughed and said "sure, after I fix you some soup" I smiled and sat down on the couch thinking to myself how did I get so lucky as I watched him in the kitchen. I think I may be falling hard for Lou. I wonder if he feels the same.

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