Laurens, I love ya a lot (Soulmate AU)

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Ok, so John is really artsy and Alex writes a lot of his rough drafts on his arms and legs.

"Laf, I'm telling you! He has to go to King Collage! He goes to our school!" Lafayette didn't even bother to look up, chuckling a bit.

"Do you realize how crazy you sound, mon ami? How did you even conclude this?" His two best friends were sitting on the couch in front of him. Lafayette was laying on the lap of a snoring Hercules Mulligan.

"He writes on his arms all the time too! But instead of doodles it's, like, all his ideas for paragraphs!" John paced back and forth in front of them. Pulling up the sleeves of his shirt, he revealed tiny words scribbled across both arms, reaching all the way up to his shoulder. The handwriting was neat and almost too tiny to read. In between the small paragraphs were his own doodles, spirals and flowers. His arms looked like an art studio.

Lafayette yawned "Laurens, you need to calm down. You still don't really know who this is. Anyway, is it really that important?" John scowled.

"Yes! Everyone is finding their soulmate! You have Mulligan, Eliza has Maria, even Jefferson has someone! Jefferson Laf!"

Suddenly, a loud snort came from Hercules as he woke up with a snort, almost knocking Lafayette out of his lap. "I was awake this whole time!" He shouted out, looking around wildly. Lafayette started cackling and even John let out a little snort.

"Why don't you get some tea and calm down, John? It'll help you relax." John finally gave in.

"Fine, I'll see you guys in a bit," He headed out the door pulling on his coat. He could hear Lafayette mumble "God, I love your voice when you wake up," before Hercules pulled him into a kiss.

(Time Skip brought to you by my laziness)

"Just breath John, don't expect anything. You're ok alone. You got you," he chided himself as he walked around campus. It really was a beautiful day, not too hot, a little breezy, which was perfect on a campus like his.

I wonder what my soulmate is up to...
He thought to himself, as if on cue, all the little letters on his arms started burning. He jumped and dropped his tea, just avoiding having it spill on him.

"Shit! Ow, ow, ow!" He shook both arms but the pain wouldn't go away. He looked around for maybe someone that could help him. And that when he saw Him. He was sitting on a bench under a tree, his laptop had fallen on the floor, but he was staring at John. More specifically at John's arms. He took a few steps towards him and the boy met him halfway.

"Huh, and here I was thinking I was the only gay one on campus." The man grinned at him and John got lost in his eyes, he imagined running his hands through his hair, and-

The young man stuck out his hand "Alexander Hamilton," John smirked.

"John Laurens," before the man could respond John wrapped his arm around Alex's waist and kiss him. Full on the lips. Alex stiffened, but quickly relaxed, wrapping his arms around John's neck.

"Hey Laurens,"


"I think I like ya a lot."

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