I can't think of a Titl- O WAIT "SHOWTIME" (Youtuber AU)

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"Goodmarrow Followers, forsooth, what dost thou been up to?" Alexander started the video in the complicated Shakespearian talk he usually did, flashing the camera a huge smile as he sat back on his heels. He and John were doing a collab, something highly requested by both of their followers. Both boys were sitting on the floor of Alex's room as John started his intro.

"HEY guys! It's showtime!" He shouted into the camera, holding up his phone and grinning as he started to explain todays video. "I'm here with the spectacular Alexander Hamilton, and today we're doing Truth or Dare!" The day before, both he and Alex had asked all their followers to send them dares and questions and had let one of their roommates choose around 10 each. Probably a horrible idea, but hey, they would do anything for their followers.

It started off well, simple questions like 'What's your biggest fear?' (Spiders for Alex, Death for Laurence, then both of them switching to Death by Spiders) and 'Can your tongue touch your nose' (No for both of them, and not from lack of trying... Alex genuinely tipped over from trying) but by the tenth dare they realized it (too late) was a huge mistake to let Mulligan and Angelica choose the dares.

It started with a strip tease. When John finally spit out the question, his face bright red, Alexander almost choked on his own spit. Sure he had a crush on the other Youtuber, ever since he had started watching his videos, and he had screamed when he found that John was gay (It had been a total accident, about 5 months ago John was doing a live stream and one of his 'friends' had come in the room and asked if he wanted a drink. Obviously forgetting that he couldn't edit it out later, he had answered 'Sure, babe.' And immediately after turned bright red and looked at the camera. They ended it a couple weeks later.)... (Alexander had always been out). But this really wasn't the way he wanted his friend to realize he wanted them to be more than friends.

It took Alexander all of his self control not to get a boner even though the lap dance only lasted 30 seconds. The way John got so flustered, his cheeks so red and freckles standing out, not able to look Alex in the eye was irresistible to him. He quickly sat back down, buttoning up his flannel as they both broke out in nervous giggles. Alex scrolled to the next question as groaned, there was only one word on his screen, all caps, fancy font, lots of hearts next to it 'CRUSH?!?!' He showed the phone screen to John and he immediately burst out laughing, lap dance totally forgotten. He looked Alex straight in the eye with the most stunning grin on his face.

"Well," he looked at Alex expectantly. Alex shot him a little smirk, and then turned to the camera. "Well guys, the question is... Crush?" He announced "And the answer is, Yes," with that he leaned back on his hands and gave the camera a satisfied nod. Laurence look at him incredulously.

"That's it?! Come on, spill Hamilton," He gave Alexander a playful shove. Alex just looked at him and mimed zipping his lips, shaking his head violently. At that John rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but I'll get it out of you eventually. Next question," John picked up his phone from the floor and scrolled down. Immediately facepalming and mumbling under his breath, "I hate this game," before turning the phone to face Alexander, who proceeded to choke on air.

Almost a minute passed of both of them just staring at each other, before John shrugged and said, "I did give you a lap dance," before pulling hooking his fingers in Alex's jeans and pulling onto his lap so Alex's legs where on either side of him. Alex couldn't breath, could talk, for a couple seconds there he really thought he was dreaming, and then Johns hands were cupping his face, and Alex wrapped his arms around John's shoulders and they both leaned in meeting somewhere in the middle. And just like that, Alex was gone. He was swallowed by John, everything about him, the way he tasted like chocolate and caramel, the way his strong arms wrapped around Alex's waste, and he never wanted this to end.

And then he remembered that he needed to breathe (stupid human functions). They were both flushed, John's hair was disheveled from Alex running his hands through it, and their eyes where both dilated as they stared at each other. Then Alex gave John a lopsided smile, "So I guess we're dating now, huh?" And John's face lit up.

"So I guess we are,"


Yay! I don't know what to write here!

Till next time adventurers,

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