Burn Part 2

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Alexander shoved the drunk woman off of him at the exact moment Angelia burst into the room. With a scowl on her face she surveyed the room and promptly took both him and his ex by the hair and dragged them to the living room, where the rest of their friends sat quietly whispering.

Crossing her arms she glared at them as they sat down on the couch, Maria with no shame (she probably wouldn't remember this in the morning) and Alexander taking his sweet time, knowing what was about to happen. She started by taking a deep breath, which was never a good sign. With Angelica's racing mind she had probably come up with 12 different ways to chew Alexander out for making out with his ex. She settled on the worst one.

"Alexander, hun," Her words were soft and sweet, but the glare she gave him was everything but, "why did your dear boyfriend, John Laurence, just walk out of here in tears?" He glanced around the room, but found no comfort in the faces around him. Eliza was right behind Angelica with her arms crossed. Lafayette and Peggy were whispering behind the two older sisters. Those two had a sibling dynamic from the first moment they meant. Hercules was glaring at Maria (he seemed to be the only one that was doing that).

"Well?" Alexander's eyes snapped back up to Angelica. His hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"I, erm, well, Maria might've come onto me," He somehow shuddered through the sentence. Glancing up to see that Angelica's mood hadn't changed.

"And you let your drunk ex come onto you? Alexander-" His eyes widened as he quickly cut into Angelica's sentence.

"No, no,no. I would never- you know I would never. Angelica, guys, she kissed me, and then I tried to shove her off me-she's stronger than she looks- and once I did you where there. I swear, I would never." He had stood up at this point, and had been wildly waving his hands in front of him as if waving away the idea for most of the small speech. He was now standing face to face with Angelica, so close that he noticed her jaw twitched before she finally gave in.

"It's alright Alexander, I understand. But your boyfriend certainly doesn't. You need to get home, now. We'll take care of Maria," Alex turned around to see that Maria had passed out on the couch, probably since the moment she sat down, he hadn't really been paying attention. He gulped, suddenly realizing what Angelica meant. While he was trying to shove Maria off him he hadn't really registered the door open and quickly shut. That had been John.

"Oh, God," He mumbled as he raced outside, forgetting his jacket as he raced outside to hail a cab. It could get him home in less than 10 minutes.

(Time Skip brought to you by everyone who wanted a Part 2 of this... (comment 'me' if that was you, because I will forever love and thank you... Seriously, you guys are awesome... Ok I'll stop....))

"JOHN," Alex banged open the door with his foot, in the way that would usually make John look up from his work and laugh at him, but now the kitchen table was empty, so was the living room and their bedroom. Finally Alex stumbled into the kitchen to find John slumped against the dishwasher, his head in between his knees. Alex raced over. Bending over his boyfriend and putting his hand on his shoulder. He knew he should be careful, John did think Alex had cheated on him, but he was never really one for being careful.

"John, honey, I'm here, I'm so sorry baby,John looked up at his through tears eyes, and once registering it was his boyfriend, he glared at him and shook his arm off his shoulder.

"You-you and her. Alexander Hamilton, you broke up with her. I-I thought you broke up with her, I thought you loved me. Why? If you didn't love me then y-you should've- should've just..." With that he broke down burying his head back in his knees and curling up like a little ball. Alex didn't know what to say, so he didn't, he just wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. John didn't even fight it, he just sobbed into Alex's shoulder.

"John, I swear, I didn't. She came onto me and I didn't- couldn't stop her. It didn't mean anything. John, baby, I love you more than everything in this world. I would never hurt you on purpose. I swear. You're amazing," Alex always hated it when he cried, but right now it felt justified. John sniffed,

"Babe?" He turned his head into the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

Alex let out a sigh of relief, "Yeah?"

"I drank way too much,"


"No actually I'm gunna throw up,"

"Yeah, ok, let's get you to the toilet,"


I really hoped you liked it! Also HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! (Or for me and my friends, happy S.A.D. (singles appreciation day))

I'm coming out with A Valentine's Day post tomorrow so be ready for more fluff... All I write is fluff what am I saying... ANWAYS

As always leave comments and questions and suggestions in the comments!

Till next Time Adventurers,

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