{How You Meet *Calum*}

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You had to stay home all day and babysit your little 5 year old niece, Emily. You had no problem with it at all, Emily was a sweetheart. It just stunk because you couldn't hang out with your friends or anything.

You sat on your couch in your bedroom and watched some CSI while Emily was too distracted banging her toy dolls on her toy house. The sound was like fingernails on a chalkboard, but of course you couldn't tell her that, it would hurt her little feelings.

"Auntie Y/N, I have to go pee pee." Emily said.

You giggled and sat up and took her little hand and walked with her to the bathroom. She ran in and began to pull her pants down. You walked out and shut the door half way.

"If you need anything, I'll be out here." you inform her.

"Okay !" Emily cheerfully replied.

You laughed and walked away. As you walked to your bed, you noticed the trees outside were shaking at a decent pace. You walked over and opened your door and stepped out to your balcony. You were greeted by the scent of pine trees and fire pits. A wind came over and you shivered. You herd several giggling noises. You looked to the left and town and you saw several kids playing at the local playground.

'It is a lovely day' you think to yourself.

You hear Emily flush the toilet and she started groaning.

"Auntie Y/N, I can't reach the sink !!" she whined.

You walked back inside and shut the door and ran to the bathroom. You saw Emily struggling on her tippy toes to reach the sink. You shook your head, laughing as you grabbed the stool. You picked her up and placed her on the stool leaning her back on your chest.

"There ya go, all clean !" you say; getting a towel form her to dry yours and her hands. She grabbed your hands and you lifted her off.

"Weeeeeeee!!!!!!" she shouted.

She ran and plopped herself down on the floor, grabbing her two dolls again. You walked out and crouched own next to her. She handed you a doll, to which you put in the dollhouse.

"Em, do you wanna go to the park ? It's really nice out and I bet your friends are there too." you say; tickling her sides.

She giggled and nodded as she struggled to get outta your grip. You got up and walked to her bag and grabbed her mini boots and jacket. You slipped on her pink jacket and her little white boots. You grabbed a hair tie and put her hair in a little bun.

You walked over to your closet and slipped on a red and white hoodie, some black leggings and a pair of tan uggs. You left your hair down, natural and put your phone in your jacket pocket.

You grabbed Emily's hand and you both shut off all the lights and headed out of the house. The park was only a few blocks away. Emily kept tugging on your arm and pulling on it.

"Auntieeeeeee, let's gooooooo!!!" she whined.

You swooped her up onto your shoulders and she started uncontrollably laughing. You smiled as you both made your way to the park. The sound of screaming little kids was getting louder and louder. Emily began kicking, wanting to go down. You put her down and before you knew it, she ran off and is in a pile of snow, covered in snow. You ran over to the park and grabbed Emily.

You brought her over to a bench and brushed her off, making sure all the snow's gone. You picked her up and placed her on your lap. She put her hands up and started clenching her fists.

"Lemme go pwease !" she said.

Before you could answer, she leapt off your lap and ran up to a little boy. You couldn't help but laugh at them. She kept hugging him, and the little boy kept pushing her away. She sat in the grass, crossing her arms.

You ran up to her and grabbed her, as a guy went to grab the little boy. You looked up and you were shocked. This guy was maybe only a few years older than you. He shot you a quick smile and you blushed lightly.

"Sorry about her, she loves meeting new people." you say; pushing your hair behind your ear.

"Ahh, it's fine. My nephew is really shy, but opposites attract, right ?" he chuckled.

You nodded in response and smiled. You stood up and shook the snow off of your leggings. You looked up and he was staring at you, but he quickly tried to hide it. He held hand out.


You grabbed his hand and shook it. "Y/N."

"Y/N, beautiful name." he said; making a blush creep up onto your cheeks.

He walked over to a bench and took a seat. You followed him and spent the evening talking to each other, getting to know each other and watching the 2 kids get closer and closer.

By 7pm, when the sun began to set, you saw Emily and Calum's nephew close to falling asleep. You nudged his shoulder and Calum looked and smiled. You both tip toed to them and picked them up. Emily curled up into your jacket.

"It was really nice talking to you. Maybe we can hang out sometime ?" Calum offered.

You nodded. "Definitely!" you replied.

He walked over and gave you a side hug, before you walked home in different directions. By the time you got home, you tucked Emily in bed and you grabbed some dinner, then went to bed with a smile on your face with the name 'Calum' in your head.

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