{Shopping For a Bikini}

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Ashton: You felt really insecure about buying a bathing suit. Especially because you had scars from when you were younger all across your stomach, so you weren't fond of wearing bathing suits. You walked into the store and you walked to the bikini section. "How about this one?" Aston asked; holding up am black polka dotted two piece bikini. "Uhh yeah." you say. You grabbed it and made your way to the dressing room. You slipped on the bikini and smiled at your figure, but frowned because of your scars. "Babe, can I see?" you heard from the other side. "Umm. no. It's too small." you reply, mentally slapping yourself. "Lemme in." he says; opening the dressing room door. You turn around and his eyes meet your stomach. His and your faces drop. You try to cover yourself up, but he pulls your hands away. He shut the door and got on his knees and kissed your scars. "Please tell me these are old." he said; hopefully. You quickly nodded, as a smile grew on Ashton's face. "Well I love that bikini on you." he said; standing up and holding his hands on your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck and get on your tippy toes and kiss his lips softly. He wrapped you in a tight embrace. "Buy it." he whispered to you; making you laugh.

Calum: Calum's face tuned a bright red when you both reached the mall and stood in front of Victoria's Secret. You had just asked Calum if he wanted to go shopping with you and he of course agreed without realizing what exactly you were gonna shop for. You laugh at him and drag him in. He had the funniest look of embarrassment on his face. "I'll be right back." he said; pecking your lips. You nod as he runs out of the store. You smile and laugh at him. You went down the bikini section and grabbed a teal two piece. It was a really pretty bikini, and you where in love with it. You skipped to the checkout line and paid for the bikini. You thanked the girl and headed out of the store. You stood by the front door; searching for Calum. Soon you see Calum walking towards you with a bag in his hand. You furred your eyebrows in confusion. "Babe, what did you get?" you asked. He started laughing and put his arm around your waist as you both headed for the exit door. You crossed the street with him and made your way to your car. Calum got in and you snatched the bag from him. You pulled out a T-Shirt that read 'Mygirlfriendbroughtme here' You started laughing your butt off. "They'll make anything and put anything on clothes now." you chuckle.

Luke: You weren't really fond of going into Victoria's Secret. A, because you were insecure about your body and B, There were a lot of girls in that store prettier than you that you feel Luke would leave you in a heartbeat. You walked in with your hands intertwined and the girls began staring at Luke. You instantly felt insecure and walked away from him; letting go of his hand. You huff and walk over to the bikinis and quickly grab the first one you see and head for the dressing room. You slip on the bikini and smiled at your reflection. The bikini matched your skin tone and it really brought out your eyes and curves. You began to walk out, but you hear giggling from close by. You look through the crack of the door and see girls all over Luke. And they definetly weren't over him like fans. You looked again in the mirror and started pointing out all your flaws. You yanked the bikini off and slipped your normal clothes on. You curled up in a ball on the floor. Honestly, you were sad, but anger took over more. You walked out of the dressing room and sneaking to the checkout. You bought the bathing suit and walked angrily past Luke; hopefully letting him know your ticked off.

Michael: You had recently lost a bunch of weight from eating healthy and excersicing to the point where your bathing suit didn't fit anymore. You were tempted to go buy a bathing suit, but eventually decided to. I mean, yes you were scared because you didn't get a good look at your body after you had lost the weight. Michael decided to go along with you, of course he'd wanna see you in a bikini, he's your boyfriend for crying out loud. You both left the house and got into his car. You were really skeptical about this. As soon as you reached the mall, Michael practically dragged you inside the mall and to the bathing suit store. You tried denying him, but he kept pushing you towards the store. He stopped pushing and you almost fell back. He caught you by the wrist and spun you around. Your eyes locked with his and you tried not to let a smile come on your face. Michael pulled a funny face and you spurted out laughing. He started laughing and you took this chance to run away. He grabbed you by your waist and spun you around. "Babe, you have a rocking body and everyone deserves to know it's mine." he said; winking at you. You both walked in and you picked out a lime green bikini.

Thanks so much for all the reads! I know I haven't been updating this so often, but I'm thankful for all of you who have stuck with me. I love you all, let's get to 1K by any chance ?! ;-) xx

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