{You Break Up}

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Y/F/N is Your/Friends'/Name if any of you didn't know ;) x

Ashton: "I just don't think it's working out.." Ashton said; his voice trailed off. You could already feel the terms stinging your eyes. Your heart dropped and crumbled into several pieces. You tried opening your mouth, but nothing came out. "W-what?" you said; barely over a whisper. Ashton looked at you with a guilty look on his face. "I.. I've met someone else. She and I have been hanging out lately, and I feel a certain connection with her." he said. By this, the hot tears are streaming down your face; clouding your vision. You could already picture the girl. Prettier, funnier, smarter than you. Your breathing became off track. Ashton leaned in and rubbed your arm slowly. You felt that would be the last time he would ever do that. You would do anything to keep him. "A-Ashton please don't do this." you begged. He looked down at his hands and looked back at you. "I am really, really sorry, Y/N.. Just know I will always love you, okay?" he said; grabbing your hands. You pulled away and stood up from your chair and ran outside of the house into the cold air in nothing but your shorts and a long sleeve shirt; leaving everything else inside his house. You hoped you didn't come off rude, but something told you you were. You ran to the closest place, Y/F/N's house.

Calum: "Calum, I can't keep hiding from everyone like this!!" you shout. Lately, Calum has been really sneaky around paparazzi with you. You never held hands or hugged in public, and you felt like he was embarrassed to be seen with you. "What are you talking about, Y/N?!" he snapped. You scoffed and looked at him with hurt in your eyes. "The whole paparazzi thing. You never go out with me to places, and hen you do, you try to avoid me. Is it me? Am I too ugly to be seen with? Am I not good enough for you? I'm sick of sneaking around with you, why can't we just go public?" you rant. Calum showed a blank expression on his face before shrugging. You shook your head and let a tear slide down your face. Calum came up to you and wiped the cheek with his thumb; his hand cupping your cheek. You delicately took his hand away and sighed. "I'm sorry Calum, I think it's best for the both of us if we just call things off. For good." you say. It was honestly heartbreaking having to say that. Calum was everything to you. Your first kiss, your first date and your first time. "Y/N..." "Calum, please.. Just.." you stutter; not being able to find the right words. He came up to you and cupped your face with his hands again. "I will always love you. Don't you forget it." he said; looking deeply into your eyes.

Luke: "What?" you said into your computer screen. Lately, he's been really busy and you can't seem to find time to spend with him. You both were skyping and he apparentally felt you needed to know the truth. "Y/N, I'm so sorry, but with my work schedule, I don't think we can continue our relationship. We never see each other." he admitted. You looked down and swallowed the huge lump growing in your throat. You let a tear slip down your cheek and you heard Luke groan. You look up at the screen with blurry vision and he sighed; running a hand through his quiff. You were speechless, not know how to react. You really didn't wanna say anything rude, or come off mean, but your hopes got the best of you, and you slammed your laptop shut. You sat there and took a deep breath; staring at the floor. You bit your lip; tasting a little blood. Tears slid down your face as you wiped them away quickly. By now, your phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Luke, which you just ignored. You grabbed your phone and threw it at the wall, leaving the screen all cracked. Your heart was crushed. You moped over to your dresser and pulled out some pajamas; slipping them on and slipping into your bed and crying yourself to sleep; alone.

Michael: The fans have been giving you hard time with the hate lately. He's always told you to ignore it, which you tried. It almost came down to deleting your account, but you never had the guts to, it was almost like you had to read what people thought of you. It honestly was too much, and you didn't want to end your relationship because of what some jealous fans said; but the hate seemed to be getting worse. You didn't eat, or go to the bathroom, or cry, you just laid in your bed, sleeping and staring off into space. You heard your Mom talking to someone before footsteps were heard coming to your room. Your door creaked open and you looked over to see Michael holding a bag of McDonalds. He came over to you and sat on your bed; making your bed dip. You got the energy to sit up and face him. He handed you the bag and you took it, nibbling at your french fries. After your meal, you handed Michael your phone. On it were over 100 screenshots of hate that "fans" have DM and tweeted you. Michael's face dropped after seeing them. "I can't be in this relationship anymore, Michael. I can't deal with this hate all the time, I know you tell me to ignore it, but I just can't. I'm sorry.." you said. And with that, he left. Out of your life. Forever.

Thanks for reading guys!! Part 2? :-) xx

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