My Stanzas Know About You

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Made my bed warm , my emotions a storm

And breathed thunder into my bones

He came into my life like a boon

Before he turned into a curse too soon

And like a moth to a fire , he consumed me

Little by little until there was nothing left of me

I wasn't his , nor was I lost in him

He wasn't mine , though I longed for him to be

I didn't bid for more of those long hours

nor wished he had filled my arms with red flowers

Now I'm lost , though not lost in you ,

Still , lost , like a candle lit in the afternoon

But I will rise again , like a phoenix from its ashes

And my heart will mend , not fearing the crashes

My mouth will curve again , with that bright old flame

In the memory of your brief love and on my lips your name

As I unearth mountains of poems , my hand becomes a shovel

making way for seeds of love and emotions blossom

Ink will spill and words will speak

For all of my stanzas know all about you and me

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