Why I Write

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Dedicated to the one who wonders if I'm writing about him .

I write because I traded my voice for words .

And that's why I don't speak much anymore .

I write because I love you .

Like a mother loves a child .

Like a little boy's first crush .

I write because you're in me .

In every breath I take .

In every word I say .

Your name written with every drop of my blood .

And sang with every beat of my heart .

They say that broken hearts write the saddest lines .

But I find comfort in remembering that, once , you were mine .

They say that nothing ever ends poetically .

It ends and we turn it into poetry .

But mostly , I write to keep you alive.

I write because you only exist in my words .

And not writing means letting you go .

I write for the same reason I breathe .

For if I don't , I would die .

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