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Slipping into a graveyard,
late at night..
Causing mischief,
stealing candles from a gravesite..
Taking from the dead,
that which doesn't belong to thee..
Running home laughing,
falling asleep with a smile on your face..
Never suspecting for a moment,
that you were not alone..
Sleeping without knowledge,
of the evil you brought home..
There comes a strong stench,
that wakes you from your dreams..
Your eyes open wide,
for a rotting corpse is standing next to your bed..
Your pilfered candle,
held tight within his hand..
Fright holds your tongue,
so you cannot scream..
Terror locks your limbs,
you have no hope of escape..
There comes a cruel smile,
and then,
darkness seeps in..
You wake,
to the sight of the gravestone you disturbed..
Only to read with terror,
that which you didn't bother to before..
Here Lies the Reaper
the candle traps him within..
If ever disturbed,
your soul will be his for the taking..
With tears running down your face,
you are then dropped into his crypt..
The night sky disappears,
your screams are carried by the  wind..
never to be disturbed again..

- C. Pantoja

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