
52 3 0

Every thought,
action and deed..
What would cause the most pain,
watch them bleed..
I have more then enough..
Spread them across the table,
ready to feed the monster slowly waking up..
I go searching,
spot you from across a club..
I wait for the perfect moment,
I'm coming,
no one will notice your gone..
Walk out the door,
I'm close behind..
You feel yourself sink,
darkness takes your sight..
Soon shadows appear,
poison tipped needles sparkling in moonlight..
Small little nicks,
I place on your skin..
Ever so slowly,
I push them deep within..
Poison takes effect,
then immense pain..
It doesn't kill you,
but drives you insane..
Muscle spasms take hold,
the needles scrape against bone..
We have a lifetime,
I whisper as drops of your blood hits the floor..

- C. Pantoja

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