Dad Has Finally Arrived

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Red. That was what I saw at first. Red, then my vision slowly coming back. It was blurry then it cleared up. I sit up and look to my left, Mom was sitting up right next to me.

        "What happened?" I ask.

        "I don't know, but I have a feeling it is not something good."

        We got up and walked out of the abandoned building. When we reach outside, we see Darcy and her intern. And lots of police cars. Uh oh.

        "Where have you guys been!" Darcy screams.

        "We were here, we were gone for only five minutes and you call the police!" Mom says.

        "Five minutes! Jane, you and Eve were in there for five hours! We couldn't find you!"

        They start bickering about what is going on. Soon, it started raining. But I noticed something. We weren't getting rained on. HUH? Everyone around us was getting wet but Darcy, Mom, and I were dry. It was as if a dome was protecting us from the rain.


         Mom stops talking to Darcy and looks around. She notices that we are not getting wet. She turns around. I follow her gaze and I see a blonde man with gray armor and a flowing red cape. He was also carrying a hammer. WAIT! He was carrying a hammer! He he finally came. Dad is here!

        Mom walks over to Dad with the protective dome following her

        "Jane," says Dad. Mom then... slaps him. Well that is a very loving way to greet your love that you haven't seen since your daughter was born.

        "Sorry that was to make sure you were real. It has been a very strange day." Mom says and Dad nods.

        "Ah I am.." Dad is cut off when Mom slaps him again. Jeez, you are just violent today aren't you?

        "Where were you?!" Mom screams.

        "Where were you? Heimdall could not see you."

        "I was right here where you left me. I was waiting and then I was crying and then I went out looking for you. You said you were coming back."

        "I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed and the nine realms erupted into chaos. War as ragging and villages were pillaging. I had to put an end to the slaughter." Mom looks at Dad and gives him this ok look.

        "As excuses go, it was not terrible. But I saw you on TV. You were in New York!" Mom says.

        "Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world but, I was wrong. I was a fool." Dad then reaches his big hand to touch Mom's cheek.

        "It was fate that brought us together." Awwwww!! Dad and Mom look at each other. They start to lean in then Darcy just had to jump in. Dang it Darcy, you always ruin things! They start talking about something. I tend to space out a lot, you know?

        Soon a police officer came up to Mom and I. He started saying that we need to leave because we are in private property. Then another police officer comes up to me and both of the police officers put their hand on Mom and I's shoulder. Suddenly blackish reddish erupt from Mom and I and knock everyone but Dad over. The only difference was the stuff that came from me looked like it was mixed with electricity. The stuff looks a lot like the stuff that attacked us earlier, minus the electricity part.

        I then begin to feel faint. I began to fall; I was waiting for me to crash to the ground but I never did. I look up to see a pair of blue eyes. My father just caught me.

        He helps me up. Something was up. When Dad sees this, he practically read my mind in just his expression. He knew something was up with Mom and I.

        Dad then grabs me and Mom. "Hold on," Dad says.

        "Wait why?" Mom and I ask at the same time. " Heimdall, open the Bifrost," Dad says to the sky.Then suddenly a bright light hits Mom, Dad, and I. Then last thing I hear before we leave was Darcy screaming.


A/N: How was that being the second chapter. There is a possibility that Thor will find out that Eve is his daughter in the next chapter. Please excuse the bad grammar. Thank you!

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