Dark Elves, Malekith, and Death

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       Dad was dragging me up the stairs, away from my adopted uncle. Every time I just stopped to look at something, he would just jerk me to keep going. I really don't know what is happening right now. I look toward the window and see some sort of creepy space ships heading toward the castle. Then this yellow barrier starts to go up around the castle, it looked just like the ones in the prison. But then... it fails. Dad saw the whole thing also and starts to mutter curses under his breath. Then I get dragged even more. Gosh, what is up the violence today?

        We then get to a room with Mom, a woman that looks like Dad, some creepy dude with pointy ears, and the... monster. And the monster was holding the woman that looks like Dad. The dude with the pointy ears starts to grab Mom then she disappears. HOW DID SHE DO THAT!!? The guy looks furious. He turns to the woman that looks like Dad and says, "You witch!!" The woman just grins at him. Then the monster takes a sword, that I did not notice till now, and puts into the woman. Killing her.

        Dad then lets go of me and screams, "NOOOOOO!" He then took his hammer and strikes lightning at the guy. Then Odin, Grandpa, came into the room and uses his golden scepter and tries to kill the monster but the pointy ear guy grabbed him before Odin could do anything.Dad threw his hammer at them and they jumped off the balcony. Dad and I ran to the railing to see if they were dead, they got caught by one of their ships. Dad's hammer returns to him and Dad looks at the woman that died. I guess he knew her well. Odin and Dad start to get teary eyed. Odin then picks up the woman and starts to caress her cheek.

        I notice Mom pop out behind of the column and looks at the scene that beholds her. I walk to her.

        "She was your grandmother, and the guy that is after us, was Malekith." That was all Mom said to get me teary eyed. Mom whispers what happened. My grandmother just saved my Mom. Now I see how Dad and Odin are so upset.


        It was night time when they started sending the caskets for the people that died today during the Dark Elf invasion. And everyone was gathered around the little stream where they send out the caskets. The first casket they send out was my grandmother's. She look so pretty, but she is still dead. They send her casket into the water. Everyone watches her casket float. Then they release all the other dead.

        Then a soldier takes an arrow with fire at the end, and puts on a bow. They he release the arrow. The arrow hits Grandmother's casket and it catches on fire. They do the say with the others.

        Grandmother's casket then disappears into space, where the water ends. She is now permanently gone. Families then start to release lanterns or are they stars? Mom and Dad release one also. I start to observe everyone then my eyes lock on Odin's. Then Odin starts to walk to me. I. Am. Dead. I just already knew he did not like that very much. I pretend that I did not see him. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Odin. He smiles sadly, and starts to caress my long, blonde hair. Which I got from my Dad.

        I knew that he was starting to have a slight soft spot on me. Then there was a question on everyone's mind. What now?

A/N: Sorry that it was short. Please excuse the bad grammar. Thank you!

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