Loki is Out of Prison

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Thor's POV

        After my mother's death, they took Jane and Evelyn and sorta "put them in prison". In other words, they just locked them in a room, not in a cell. But only Evelyn was able to leave as she likes, for a limited amount of time. I really don't know why, but I was a tiny bit angry that they did not do the same with my dear Jane. I walk into the throne room and storm to Father.

        "So you taken them as prisoners?!" Father stares at me.

        "Well they caused some destruction, especially on our family."

        "It wasn't their fault that they have the Aether in them, it was Malekith's fault for going after it and destroying half of Asgard!" I yell. How dare he blame my family for the destruction of the family. Father silents. Then I ask.

        "Why does Evelyn have a little more privilege than Jane?"

        "I have taken a slight liking to her, and it was to apologize for what I have done. I know I should have not kept the secret from you for this long. I just wanted you to not be distracted. Not just for me, but for Asgard." I was quiet. I understand why he kept it from me, it's just, why so long. I ask no more questions. I nod at Father.

        As I turn to leave, Father speaks out. "You cannot leave Asgard, also I am sending Evelyn and Jane Foster back to Midgard." This angers me. Why is he doing this to me!? Is it the grief? I don't turn around, I just leave the room. I am not letting Father take my family away from me, I need to protect them. I also need to get the Aether out of them. Then a plan sparks. I know a way to get the Aether out of Jane and Evelyn, and seek revenge on Malekith. But I am going to need some help.

Evelyn's POV

        The guard let me out of the room Mom and I were held in. I only had thirty minutes. I was going to find Dad and ask what is going to happen next. Though I feel really bad that Mom can't be let out of the room at all. But I feel a little special!

        I walk down the hall, avoiding guards, looking for Dad. I turn to a hallway and see Dad walking to the prisons. What is he doing? I start to follow him. I know he said to not go there, but I'm sure it would be a little okay for him to be there while I am in the prisons. Right?

        I follow him, hiding every time he turns to see if anyone is following. I follow him to the prison and I see him head toward Loki. What the heck is he doing!?

        "Why are you here? Are you here to gloat?" Loki sneered.

        "Loki, quit the illusions." How did he know it was an illusion?

        Loki then looks at him and disappears, like what Grandmother did to Mom. Then I see the real Loki. I try hard to stifle a gasp. He was a wreck. His cell was not clean and furniture was broken, turned over, and not in place. The wall looked like someone dragged a dirty hand across it. Loki had his hair undone, and he was just sitting in a corner, with a very sad look. He also looked like he cried.

        "Did she suffer?" Loki squeaks. Now I see what happened. He took his grief off on the room due to his adoptive mother being dead. Looks like he had more of an impact on the news than Dad.

        "I know you seek vengeance as much as I do, but if you help me escape Asgard, then I will grant it to you: vengeance. And off with this with this cell." Loki starts to chuckle at little.

        "Oh, you must be truly desperate to come to me for help."

        Dad start to walk away, I hide behind a column a little more. But enough to still see what is happening.

        "What makes you think you can trust me?"

        "I don't," Dad says while turning around. "You should know when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you." That was... harsh. And all Loki did was just stare at him during his talk. Which he should.

        Loki smirks. "Mmm, when do we start?"

        I smile. Loki is going to help us. One way or another. Dad smiles a little and takes down the electric field. Loki steps out cautiously, and turns toward my direction. My eyes widen. Did he know I was here the whole time!?

        "I see you have a little follower." Loki says. Dad has a puzzled look, then turns toward my direction. I bolt out of the room. I am in SOOO much trouble!

        As I run down the hallway, I look behind to see if anyone was following me. Dad was chasing me, but Loki was not with him. I look forward and take a shape turn and end up almost crashing into Loki. How the heck did he get there?! I turn around and run to the opposite direction, to see Loki again. WHAT?! I turn the other direction and the same thing happens. Then Dad catches up to me. I quickly try to pick a way and pray to God that I can slip past Loki. I try it and Loki catches me and just starts to tickle me. I start to just laugh uncontrollably.


        Loki smiles, he stops tickling me and says in a joking manner, "Well, that will teach you not to spy on us!" Dad comes over and start to laugh at me, since I was just caught by Loki, tickled by him and on the floor laying. "Brother! I see you already have a soft spot on my daughter, Evelyn!" I smile. Then I realize something. What is the plan, and why do we need Loki?

        A/N: Man I have been wanting to put this chapter out for a while. Now that should show that Loki has a soft spot! Please excuse the bad grammar. Thank you!

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