Standing Tall

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Dedication to beautykillsu, the catalyst that got me to actually post this chapter.

A.N. So, I still feel like they should have had a few dates before moving on to this chapter. But... after so long and many failed attempts at writing a real date scene... I decided to move on, and maybe come back to it later. (Also known as wishful thinking.) So... without further ado... moving on



"Useless fag," a voice sneered before pushing me down the stairs. No, it wasn't all homicidal like. I was already halfway down, and I already had a hand on the railing. I only slid a step or two, something I did every once in a while all on my own. Hanging from the little metal rail brace in the wall wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. If it had been someone else, they'd likely have wicked bruises. Lucky me, I didn't bruise easily.

I heard a solid thwack behind me. I saw just enough to realize it was the sound of my cousin's skull cracking back on the wall behind him at the bottom of the curved stairway. And there was Micah just below the landing step with a murderous glare.

No that did not earn him brownie points. what did he think I was, some useless Zelda princess who couldn't fight her own damn battles? Seriously, I was pathetic enough without his misplaced intentions emasculating me.

I even helped Gad up to make my point. Glaring at Micah. Should have realized my help was less than welcome. Being helped to your feet by a midget who looked like he belonged back in elementary school, - a kid you'd just picked on -, talk about emasculating.

Gad was forgotten long before he pushed and stormed away from me.

Without a word, Micah had me by the bicep and was dragging me along behind him.

"Why don't you ever stand up for yourself," he demanded slamming the door behind himself.

"Why do you take everything so seriously? We wouldn't be family if we didn't pick on each other."

"He just pushed you down the stairs!"

"Abby tried to push you down the stairs last week," I pointed out, rolling my eyes.

"She's five!" He protested.

"Oh, please! Not the point," I huffed crossing my arms.

How do you admit to another guy he was emasculating you?

"Why do you always do this? Why can't you take yourself seriously?" He paced back and forth tugging at his hair.

This, coming from the guy treating me like a brainless, cowering, flop! So what if I wasn't smart, or strong, or brave, or any of the other things that made Micah Payne the apple of everyone's damn eye. I wasn't a freak'n invalid. Using violence on my behalf was wrong, just plain wrong!

Strong callouses wrapped around my biceps as he bent over me, looking deep into my eyes.

"You better than this, Gabriel."

God, how hand this conversation gotten so screwed up? Couldn't he see that was my line? That I was better than needing a bully to stand up for me!

I jerked away from him angrily.

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